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In a room star star star star halfstar


The sign reads

"Welcome all new travellers.


To continue you must go through a series of doors.


After going through you will pick a costume. You will then become a half- human and half that creature.


After a week(100 mins a hour,20 hrs a day,10 days a week) has passed you may morph and get another costume. To start of with you will only be able to become 40% human to 60% human.


If you put on a costume you will then become that creature, be teleported to it's home town and have to wait a week before being able to morph.


After 50 costumes you may change into one of your other costumes and become 30% to 70% human. When changing costumes you must wait at least an hour before you can change costumes again.


100 different species/gender costumes allows you to gender-morph and become 20% to 80% human


200 different species costumes allows you to combine costumes and become 10% to 90% human


400 different species costumes allows you to return to your world with no more morphing


And 800 different species costumes makes a polymorph and allows you to morph outside of this world.


Also if you have a costume like a centaur then the human part will always be human and is counted towards the human percentage.


Any gender/species transformation magic of yours can only change your gender(if you have at least 100 costumes) and the animal part to a different animal.


When you change into a different costume (that you already have) you may teleport to that species home town but you will have the week penalty where you have no costume changes.


If you die while wearing a costume you will be reborn at the local inn (or appropriate location ). If you have more then 100 costumes you will lose the costume you had when you died and go to an appropriate place for your next costume.


If you fail to make it out in 100 years(100 weeks in a year) one of your possible forms will be chosen and you will be permanently stuck in that form(apart from magic) until you die. Also there will be no possibility of going back to your world.


Also, one final note: should you take a female form and become pregnant, you won't be able to change your gender until the child is born, though the other aspects of your form may change (the child will change to match.) That is all, and good luck!

You realise that you have to do what the sign said to do and go through the doors and grab a costume.


Alternatively you could use the key system to determine the room


Please type in a number 1 - 18


Number 1:
Number 2:
Number 3:


Illustrated by catprog

Written by Catprog on 11 February 2004

Normal Land star star halfstar emptystar emptystar


You go through the door.


All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.


There are two more doors however and both of them have a sign on them saying


Costume room for
Element: Land
Type: Normal
Gender: ????


So which door do you want

Illustrated by catprog

Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004

Female Normal Land star star halfstar emptystar emptystar

You go through the door.


All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.<P/>There are five costumes in this room, all of them female, all of them are normal land creatures.


  • Snake
  • <li><span class="female">Wolf</span></li>

Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004

Triceratops emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You find yourself in a dimly lit chamber, your heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The air is thick with the scent of old fabric and mystery. Your eyes, adjusting to the gloom, begin to discern shapes in the shadows - five distinct forms, each more fantastical than the last.


As you approach, you realize these are no ordinary costumes. Each one represents an anthropomorphic land animal, crafted with exquisite detail and an almost magical quality. Your fingers brush against fur, scales, and leather, sending shivers down your spine.


Among the menagerie of beauteous beasts, one catches your eye - a majestic triceratops, its frill adorned with intricate patterns that seem to shimmer in the low light.


You reach out, your hand trembling slightly as it makes contact with the costume. The material is unlike anything you've ever felt before - cool to the touch, yet somehow alive with energy. It beckons to you, an irresistible siren call that drowns out all rational thought.


With a deep breath, you begin to don the costume. As you slip into it, the world around you begins to blur and shift. Colors become more vivid, scents more pungent. You feel a tingling sensation spreading from your core to the tips of your fingers and toes.


The transformation begins slowly at first, like the gentle lapping of waves against a shore. Your skin prickles and stretches, taking on a new texture. What once was soft human flesh now becomes tough and leathery, yet surprisingly supple. The hue of your skin shifts, deepening into a rich, earthy tone reminiscent of sun-baked clay.


Your bones creak and groan, rearranging themselves in a symphony of change. Your spine elongates, vertebrae popping into new configurations. You feel yourself growing taller, broader, more imposing. Your center of gravity shifts as your posture changes, adapting to support your new form.


A pressure builds at the base of your skull, intensifying until it feels like your head might split open. Then, with a sound like the unfurling of ancient sails, your frill emerges. It spreads like a regal crown, adorned with patterns that pulse with an inner light. Three horns sprout from your forehead and snout, their ivory gleam a stark contrast to your earthen hide.


Your face reshapes itself, your nose and mouth elongating into a beak-like structure. Your teeth change, becoming more numerous and specialized for grinding tough plant matter. Your tongue, now longer and more flexible, flicks out to taste the air, bringing with it a flood of new sensations.


As the transformation races down your torso, you feel your chest expanding, ribs reshaping to support your new bulk. Your heart grows larger, beating with the strength needed to pump blood through your massive form. Lungs expand, granting you the capacity to bellow with earth-shaking force.


Your arms, once slender and dexterous, become thick and powerful. Fingers fuse and reshape into three-toed hands, each digit tipped with a blunt claw. These new appendages feel strange yet natural, as if you've always possessed them.
A peculiar sensation draws your attention to your lower back. With a rush of vertigo, you feel your tailbone extending, growing longer and more substantial by the second. Muscle and sinew weave around the new vertebrae, forming a tail that sways with a life of its own, helping to balance your newfound bulk.


Your legs undergo a dramatic change. They thicken and lengthen, bones shifting to support your new form while maintaining your bipedal stance. Your feet expand, becoming broad and sturdy, each toe ending in a blunt claw that provides excellent traction. Despite your increased bulk, you find yourself perfectly balanced on two legs, your tail providing additional stability.


Throughout this metamorphosis, you're acutely aware of another change taking place - one that transcends the physical. Your mind expands, filled with new instincts and knowledge. You understand the ways of the herd, the language of the earth beneath your feet. Memories of ancient grasslands and primordial forests flutter at the edges of your consciousness.
As the final waves of transformation wash over you, you become aware of your new thoughts. You feel connected to the cycle of life in a way you never have before, attuned to the rhythms of the natural world.


The room around you seems smaller now, your new form towering over the other costumes. You turn your head, your frill brushing against the wall, and catch a glimpse of yourself in a tarnished mirror. The creature that stares back at you is both familiar and foreign - a magnificent female triceratops, standing proud and tall.


As tyou look over the new body, the very fabric of reality seems to ripple. The dimly lit chamber begins to fade, its walls becoming translucent, then transparent. The other costumes, the dusty floor, the tarnished mirror - all dissolve like mist in the morning sun.


Your new eyes, large and expressive, blink in wonder as a new world materializes around you. Gone is the confined space of the mysterious room. Instead, you find yourself standing in a vast, open landscape. Lush grasslands stretch as far as the eye can see, punctuated by clusters of ancient trees and distant, mist-shrouded mountains.


You take a tentative step forward, your clawed foot sinking slightly into the soft earth. The movement feels natural, as if you've always walked this way. Your tail swishes behind you, counterbalancing your impressive bulk with surprising grace.
A sound escapes your throat - not quite a roar, not quite a bellow, but something in between. It resonates across the landscape, vibrating in your chest and frill. You feel the power in that voice, the ability to communicate across vast distances or to strike fear into the heart of any predator foolish enough to threaten you.


With a deep, rumbling breath, you turn your gaze to the horizon. This new world beckons, promising experiences beyond your wildest dreams. You take your first steps towards that future, each footfall resonating with the weight of ages past and the promise of what's to come.

Written by - on 15 August 2024

Herd emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As you take your first steps into this new world, the grass beneath your feet feels like a lush carpet, each blade swaying gently in the warm breeze. Your new senses are overwhelmed with information, picking up scents and sounds that would have been imperceptible to your human form.
The sun overhead bathes the landscape in a bright, warm light, casting a single, bold shadow behind you. Your eyes, now adapted to your new form, pick out details in the distance that would have been invisible before. You spot a herd of creatures on the horizon, their forms both familiar and alien.
Curiosity piques your interest, and you decide to approach the herd. As you walk, you marvel at how your new body moves. Despite your increased size and bulk, you feel surprisingly agile. Your tail, which initially seemed like it might be a hindrance, now acts as a natural counterbalance, allowing you to move with unexpected grace.
The ground beneath your feet changes as you walk, transitioning from soft grass to harder, rockier terrain. Your clawed toes grip the surface instinctively, providing sure footing even on the uneven ground. You realize that your new form is perfectly adapted to this environment, able to traverse a variety of terrains with ease.
As you draw closer to the herd, you begin to make out more details. They are triceratops like yourself, but with subtle variations. Some have frills with different patterns, others sport hide colors ranging from earthy browns to vibrant greens. You notice that many are considerably larger than you, and you wonder if you're considered young in this form.
The herd notices your approach, and a large, battle-scarred individual who you assume is the leader turns to face you. For a moment, you freeze, unsure of how to proceed. But then, something instinctual takes over. You lower your head slightly, angling your frill in what you somehow know is a gesture of respect and peaceful intent.
The leader responds with a low, rumbling vocalization that you feel more than hear. It resonates in your chest, and to your surprise, you understand its meaning. It's a welcome, tinged with curiosity about this newcomer to their territory.
You attempt to respond, and to your amazement, you produce a similar sound. The vibrations from your vocal cords feel strange but not uncomfortable. You manage to convey that you're new to the area and mean no harm. The herd seems to accept this, and the tension in the air dissipates.
As you integrate with the herd, you begin to learn more about your new form and this world. Through a combination of vocalizations, body language, and some form of empathic communication you don't fully understand, the others share their knowledge with you.
You learn that your species is known for its wisdom and strength. The lush plains you first encountered are but one of many diverse ecosystems in this prehistoric world. You begin to grasp that this place operates on principles far removed from the modern era you once knew.
As you graze with the herd, you discover the joy of your new diet. The vegetation here is unlike anything you've ever tasted, bursting with flavors that your human palate couldn't have comprehended. Some plants give you bursts of energy, while others induce a state of calm reflection.
You learn about the herd's social structure, the importance of mutual protection, and the seasonal migrations that take them across vast distances. The elder triceratops share tales of battles with fearsome predators, of times of plenty and periods of scarcity. Each story adds to your understanding of this new existence.
As the sun climbs higher in the sky, approaching its zenith, the heat of the day begins to intensify. The herd starts to move towards a nearby copse of trees, seeking shade from the midday sun. You follow, grateful for the respite from the increasing warmth.
Under the canopy of ancient conifers and cycads, you find a cool spot to rest. The ground here is soft with fallen needles and leaves, providing a comfortable place to lie down. As you settle, you notice smaller creatures scurrying about - early mammals and reptiles that coexist with the larger dinosaurs.
Your mind drifts, reflecting on the incredible journey that brought you here. You remember the mysterious room, the costume that seemed more than mere fabric. Was it magic? Advanced technology? Or something beyond your comprehension? You ponder the nature of your transformation. Are you still yourself, merely in a new form? Or have you become something entirely different?
The herd around you settles into a peaceful lull, some dozing, others quietly grazing on the underbrush. You find yourself feeling unexpectedly at home among these magnificent creatures. Despite the strangeness of your situation, there's a sense of belonging that you've never experienced before.
As you lie there, listening to the sounds of the prehistoric forest and feeling the gentle breeze ruffle your frill, you realize that your journey in this new world has only just begun. The day is still young, and who knows what adventures await you in the afternoon and beyond?

Written by - on 16 August 2024

Afternoon emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As the sun reaches its zenith, the heat of the day intensifies. The herd begins to stir from their midday rest, and you find yourself naturally falling into their rhythm. The leader, whom you've come to think of as Scarfrill due to the distinctive mark on her crest, lets out a low rumble. It's time to move.
You rise to your feet, shaking off bits of vegetation that cling to your leathery hide. The afternoon stretches before you, full of possibilities and unknown adventures. As the herd begins to lumber out from under the shade of the ancient trees, you take your place among them, no longer feeling like an outsider but a true member of this prehistoric family.
The landscape changes as you move, transitioning from the dense forest to a more open savanna. Tall grasses wave in the warm breeze, and you can't help but marvel at the diversity of plant life around you. Your new herbivorous instincts guide you, helping you distinguish between the plants that are safe to eat and those that might be harmful.
As you graze, you become aware of the complex ecosystem surrounding you. Tiny creatures dart between the grass stems, and birds - no, you correct yourself, pterosaurs - wheel overhead. In the distance, you spot other herds of dinosaurs: a group of hadrosaurs with their distinctive duck-like bills, and further off, the long necks of sauropods reaching up to the treetops.
The afternoon sun beats down relentlessly, and you find yourself grateful for your thick hide and the blood-filled chambers in your frill that help regulate your body temperature. You notice other members of the herd using their frills to face the sun, maximizing the cooling effect. You mimic them, feeling an immediate relief as the breeze cools the blood flowing through your frill.
Suddenly, a commotion ripples through the herd. A young triceratops, barely more than a juvenile, has wandered too close to a sinkhole hidden by the tall grass. The ground beneath its feet begins to crumble, and it lets out a panicked bellow.
Without thinking, you rush forward. Your powerful legs eat up the distance, and you reach the young one just as it begins to slip. With a strength you didn't know you possessed, you lower your head and use your horns to help stabilize the youngster. Other members of the herd quickly join you, and together, you manage to pull the juvenile to safety.
The rescue leaves you exhilarated. The young triceratops nuzzles against you in gratitude, and you feel a surge of protective instinct. Scarfrill approaches, giving you an approving rumble. You've proven yourself to the herd, and you can sense a shift in how they perceive you.
As the excitement dies down, the herd resumes its afternoon activities. Some continue grazing, while others engage in what you recognize as social behaviors - gentle horn clashing that seems more play than combat, and mutual grooming using their beaks to remove parasites and dead skin.
You find yourself drawn into one of these grooming sessions. As another triceratops uses its beak to carefully clean around the base of your frill, you're surprised by how pleasurable and relaxing it feels. You return the favor, your movements becoming more natural and instinctive as you go.
The afternoon wears on, and the herd begins to make its way towards a nearby river. The sound of running water grows louder as you approach, and soon you're standing on the banks of a wide, lazy river. The water looks invitingly cool after the heat of the day.
Some of the younger herd members plunge right in, splashing and playing in the shallows. The adults are more cautious, scanning the water and the opposite bank for potential threats before lowering their heads to drink.
You follow their lead, approaching the water's edge carefully. As you bend to drink, you catch sight of your reflection for the first time since your transformation. The face that looks back at you is undoubtedly that of a triceratops, with its distinctive beak and three horns. But in the eyes, you see a glimmer of your human consciousness, a reminder of your extraordinary journey.
As you drink your fill, you notice movement in the water. Fish dart between the stones, some familiar, others utterly alien to your human knowledge. You're tempted to try and catch one, but your new herbivorous body recoils at the thought of eating meat.
The cool water reinvigorates the herd, and there's a renewed energy as you move away from the river. The afternoon is starting to wane, the sun beginning its descent towards the western horizon. Long shadows stretch across the landscape, creating a patchwork of light and shade.
Your enhanced senses pick up a change in the air - a shift in the wind, carrying new scents. Among them, you detect something that makes your instincts flare with warning. It's a musky, predatory smell that sets your heart racing.
Scarfrill and the other adults have noticed it too. There's a subtle shift in the herd's formation, with the younger and more vulnerable members being herded towards the center. You find yourself moving to the outer perimeter, your body tensing in anticipation.
From a copse of trees to your left, a pack of Deinonychus emerges. These raptor-like predators move with a coordinated grace that speaks of intelligence and hunting experience. They're smaller than you, but their sharp claws and teeth leave no doubt about their deadliness.
The herd bunches closer together, presenting a united front of horns and armored frills. You feel a bellow building in your chest, a sound of challenge and warning. Around you, other members of the herd join in, creating a wall of noise that gives the predators pause.
For a tense moment, it seems that a clash is inevitable. The Deinonychus pack circles, looking for weakness, while the triceratops herd stands firm. You find yourself face to face with one of the predators, its sickle-shaped claw tapping the ground as it considers its options.
In this moment, you feel the full power of your new form. You are no helpless prey, but a formidable creature in your own right. You lower your head, presenting your horns, and scrape the ground with your foot. The message is clear: attack at your own risk.
Whether it's your display of strength or the unified defense of the herd, the Deinonychus eventually decide the potential meal isn't worth the danger. With a series of barking calls, they retreat back into the trees, though you suspect they'll continue to follow the herd from a distance, waiting for an opportunity.
As the immediate threat passes, you feel a mix of relief and pride. You've faced your first real challenge in this prehistoric world and stood your ground. The other triceratops bump against you companionably, a gesture of solidarity and appreciation for your role in the defense.
With the excitement over, the herd resumes its journey. The afternoon is drawing to a close, and it's time to find a suitable area to bed down for the night. Scarfrill leads you to a defensible position - a gentle rise that offers a good view of the surrounding area, with a cliff face at your backs to prevent attacks from behind.
As the sun sinks lower, painting the sky in brilliant oranges and purples, the herd settles into its nighttime formation. You find yourself given a position of trust, part of the outer circle that will keep watch through the night.
Lying there, with the warmth of other triceratops around you and the sounds of the prehistoric night beginning to emerge, you reflect on the events of the afternoon. In just a few hours, you've experienced more adventure, more primal fear and joy, than in your entire human life.

Written by - on 17 August 2024

The end (for now)

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