You nod eagerly, feathers swaying with the motion. "I think I'd like that... Plus I guess I can't always use the training wheels, can I?" You chuckle, spreading you wings. "I know how to do this much, but the rest is kind of..."
"I get it." Talon nods, spreading his own wings. "So we're going to start small, and focus on liftoff, okay? Nothing too extreme to get you started, but you need to know how to get in the air to begin with."
You nod, looking to him intently. "So... How do we begin?"
He chuckles, beating his wings against the ground once, hard. The motion makes him hop slightly into the air, and you follow his lead to find yourself pushed from the ground slightly. It's like when you flap your wings as hard as you can, you get a splt second of airtime-not much, but also enough to let you taste the freedom of flight.
"Perfect!" He laughs, grinning. "Now, we're going to do this a lot, okay? You want to relax the muscles in your wings as you bring them up; then stiffen them when you bring them down. Can you do that?"
"I think I can..." You start, closing your eyes and focusing. Then you repeat that same beat of your wings again, following it with another and another still. It's like swimming, and when you open your eyes, you find yourself ten feet above the ground, as though you were standing on a ladder.
"No panicking! Slower beats to land! Like you're slowly treading water!" Talon calls, and you hurriedly obey.
The ground swells before you once more as you touch down, and you can let a gentle sigh of relief pass from your lips.
"So that's the start of it... Ready to move onto some more advanced lessons, or do you think that you need more practice?"
You mull over his question. It sure feels natural, but do you think you're ready to fly yet? Well... Only one way to find out...
Written by SketchySeraph on 30 June 2016
The end (for now)