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A huge vehicle is stopped right in front of your building. A single wolf, a bit taller than you, stands atop the gray APC. It's large guns on the sides make it a truly opposing site at seven feet tall. With trepidation you yearn to talk to the wolf but he appears dressed in military garb and has a look about him that is not indicative of regular military, if military at all. Even if he were military, he gives you the impression of danger. He holds a swagger that screams self proclaimed bad ass and keeps a paw-pad firm about the trigger of his odd gun. You decide to wait and see what happens, holding out hope that these people can help you. Your hopes are completely dashed and your fears realized, however, when the other voices return. You can now see that they belong to two more wolves and a female feline. The feline appears to be carrying the fox corpse on her arm as the other two follow behind her. The two wolves behind her make play at defiling the corpse as they walk.

Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 07 November 2013

Both Fox elder

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