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Mermaid emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You see a collection of items. As you walk towards them every other costume disappears.



Suddenly you here a large crack and look up to see water creeping in.


You swallow the tablet and try and speak but your voice has changed.


You put on the wig and it attaches itself to your head and you can't get it off.


You put on the bra and watch as your expanding<span class="male">new</span> breasts replace the padding.


The last thing you put on is the fish tail , when you put it on you feel your legs kind of melt and form into the tail.


By the time the water has finished rushing in the transformation is complete and you swim out into the ocean.

Illustrated by midnightfury

Written by on 28 March 2005

Male Gather Your Wits
Both Stare at a distant figure curiously
Both Swim away from a distant figure

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