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So many costumes.. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You close your eyes for a moment, and picture that factory. Not just one costume lying upon a table, but filled with rows upon rows of costumes almost as far as you could see. If putting on this costume had led you to this world, then... did each costume lead here? Or, to a different realm for each one?


The idea makes you reel. So many realities. So many worlds, all possibly suddenly summoned into existence within your mind.


You stumble.




The wolf, Lira, lunges forward to steady you. She cries out with care. With distress. She does not want to see you... or rather, the body you possess, come to harm.


You steady yourself once more, and look at her with a furrowed brow.


“You've told me what this place is. W-what I'm doing here. But... please. If I'm in someone else's body. If I'm living someone else's life, I need to know. W-who... who am I?”

Written by Jeeves on 08 September 2017


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