Magic in the Dark
Hiding in the darkness of a cinema theater seems like a good idea, so you stroll over and have a look. The entrance is a magnificent portal with a rather cryptic inscription:
Forget about the Industrial, it's all Light and Magic here.
Ooh, clever! Also rather sinister, but at least it doesn't say "abandon all hope whoever enters here". Inside you find that the cinema seems to specialize in animal movies. Well, no surprise there really. There seems to be two departments, and according to the posters they happen to be playing, respectively, your favorite movie and the worst movie you remember seeing. Both of them have a sign saying "Free Admission" so it looks like you won't have to worry about getting a ticket.
Good or bad? Looks like a simple choice at first, then you start thinking. There's one movie you'd really like to see again, and if the genie is using your choice to trick you into making a wish, you wouldn't mind - well you would at least mind a bit less - getting turned into a character from that movie.
On the other hand, if the genie knows what you like and hate, the other movie is the last place he would expect to find you. So you may actually be safer watching a movie you hate.
Decisions, decisions...
Written by Won-Tolla on 29 May 2007
The end (for now)