“Disguise first. I can’t really go out like this can I?” you say.
“You would be surprised” he says “humans can be very good at not noticing what is right under their noses. This charm will only help that.”
He opens a drawer, reaches in much further than you would of thought possible and pulls out a lump of clay. He pinches and pulls until it is in a crude shape of person and pushes the magic into it before finally clipping it too the collar.
“Look in the mirror” he says.
“What mirror?” you ask before he points behind you.
Behind you is a mirror and in the reflection you see your old self. “It is that easy to make the devices?” you ask.
“Well that depends on the creature. Your specialties are illusions so this is acting as a focus for your magic. For ones that work with anyone , that takes a lot more work, and now that we know it works I am going to have to ask you to take it off.”
“Why?” you ask.
“Well you are using your magic to appear human, if you are going to work with me I need your full output of magic.”
You nod “Makes sense” and take it off.
The next few hours are a blur until you hear the wizard clip the charm back onto the collar.
“Well done” he says looking down at you. “Now get some rest and recharge”
You look around and find you are in the alley behind the shop. It is a lot bigger than you would of thought and it is not until you look into a puddle that you see why. You are no longer bipedal, you are in the shape of a normal fox with a couple of extra tails.
Written by catprog on 20 December 2017
The end (for now)