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The Labyrinth star star star star emptystar

The elevator lurches for a moment, then starts to drop alarmingly quickly. Even more alarming, the odd device above you glows green and buzzes strangely. <spanFullTF>A bright green jet of light shoots out of the gun, catching your shirt. You see in the mirror that your clothes are glowing to match the beam,and they are morphing into a black sheet-like thing. The beam turns off.


Every scrap of clothing on you has merged into a huge black toga. You can barely keep it on you.


The gun charges again, and this time the beam hits you.


You're instantly engulfed in pain and a deep, anger. You feel yourself growing taller. Your muscles twitch and bulge. Your skin become thicker and covered in dark brown fur. Your feet become black hooves, and the pain only becomes greater. Your neck bulges, and your head begins to swell and elongate, becoming that of a bull, and a tail pokes out from the base of your spine. </spanFullTF>


The changes are finished, and you have become a<spanSumTF><span class="female"> male</span></spanSumTF> minotaur. Beyond your physical changes, though, you sense a change in your very soul. You feel a deep seated rage for an unmentionable wrong. You can feel torment welling up within you as you relive the anguish of a childhood that is entirely new to you and yet, utterly familiar. Rejection from birth. Suspicion, anger, rejection, and ultimately, imprisonment...such pain can only be repaid with destruction. Your life's ambition is now seeking revenge. You also want to eat a few children in the process.


Your blind rage is interrupted with an overly chipper voice from the walls of the elevator: "Labyrinth." The doors slide open with a delightful "PING," and the voice says, "Have a nice day." You mutter a thousand curses upon the voice. Beyond the door is an endless network of underground tunnels. You charge headlong into your new home, ready to face any challengers that dare enter your underground realm. What do you do now?

Written by Zodiac on 28 February 2007

The end (for now)

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