“Is this your first costume?” he asks.
You nod in response.
“First time was rough for me too. I was changed into a chimera. Having three heads was a large change. Even more then changing sexes. ”
“How many times?” you ask.
“Forty costumes. I am still on this costume trial period so I don’t get any of the special powers. ”
“What special powers?”
“Well we can become more or less human to some degree. 50 costumes allow us to change costumes. ”
“Fifty costumes? And you mentioned a trial period?“
“It works out at about 14 days each costume and then you still have to find one.” he says sighing “it is not always easy to find them either.”
“And when can we go home?”
“I think if you don’t mind not being fully human it is at 400. 800 is if you want to be human and/or retain the powers”
Written by catprog on 07 April 2018
The end (for now)