Look for clues
So if there is a lot of water coming from a factory then there would be a river that appeared in the last 10 years. You just need to find it. "Voice", you say, "I want the cartography... mmmrrowr!" For that is when your quadrupedal form returns to you. You shake your head; not even bothering to dig your spellbook out of your saddlebags, you cast the anthro spell from memory. It goes smoothly—too smoothly. In fact, you barely notice any expenditure of energy at all; this is probably because you're still a four-legged sphinxtaur!
"Pfssst!" you snarl, angry at your failure. That'll teach you to try a spell from memory when you don't really know it that well! Right: You retrieve Alterations Animalian from your bags, review the anthropomorphizing spell, and finally re-cast it. This time, it doesn't go quite as smoothly; the spell burns your energy like a blowtorch.
Written by Catprog & Cubist on 05 October 2010