He meets up with his friend before school at first none of them noticing the fursuit until Jake joins and says "Nice fursuit".
The others look over
"How did we miss you wearing that until Jake pointed it out?"
"It gets even weirder. I can't get it off" Daniel says.
"What do you mean?"
"I tried but it won't come off, I can't even find a seam."
Jake is the first one to speak "You've got to be kidding me!"
"No. Seriously. I've been wearing it since yesterday"
"Well you're gonna be late for class. Let's go" Jake says.
The morning classes pass normally with no comments on the suit until they meet up again at lunch.
"I wish I could get a suit like yours. Even close up it looks almost real" Jake says.
"I just wish I could get it off" Daniel says "even if it feels more comfortable then actual clothes."
"Wait your not feeling overheated even after close to 18 hours? It must have a very good cooling system as well"
"Yeah. Whatever it's made from, it's amazing. I'm actually cold."
"So what do you plan on doing with it? Wear it everyday?"
"I don't know. I guess we might need to cut it off?"
"Don't worry about it. Let's get some food and talk about it later. Maybe you can find a way to get it off."
"So what species are you?" Says David as he walks up.
Written by NovelAi on 24 April 2022