Run away
“ Who are you? What do you want?” Terriermon demands answers and your impressed by you veracious defence of the shop. When this was done, you were going to try on that dress, just to amuse her. Your still rather calm despite the tense atmosphere, it's just a game scenario after all, you think.
“ I already said what I want you idiotic creäture, we won't take you.” The man sneered. You started to feel uneasy, tensing up at his words. Won't be taking her? Meaning they were taking you? Even if it's a virtual game, that seemed bad; but it's just a game. The company wouldn't make something that could hurt you, right?
“ My acquaintance help out with that. With this boy, a digimon human mix, we no longer need the Tamers, we'll be better!” the man laughs, he's clearly insane, you start easing back, this was just a game you reminded yourself. Nothing to fear. Just then Terriermon looked up at you, you happened to look down at the same time; catching her eyes. She appears that she was looking into you, searching. She offers you a wide smile and a pat on the paw, it was so light, you barely felt it. Was Terriermon trying to comfort you? But you weren't scared were you?
“ Run!” she says as runs at the man after pushing you past him. You don't want to leave them, you hesitate. “We need help! Run get Tamers, anybody!” that sounds like a plan to you, even if leaving them behind leaves a sour taste in your mouth, you run away.
Outside your surrounded. A sea of black suited men surrounded you. You attempted to get pass by raising a clawed paw. That when it hits you, an electrical charge so strong, you can feel yourself wet your fur as your howl in pain. You drop to your knees as every part of your body leaked fluid. It hurts, is all you can think, it hurts. Though the pain you feel something encircle your neck, with a soft click it tightens.
“ Stand Renamon!” You hear a voice command, your body barely puts up a fight, you can feel yourself drift away. “Deal with the them Renamon!” Yes, you think, obey, you think. The screams of the digimon who helped you is the last thing you hear. Before you are no longer you. You a Renamon. You are theirs.
Written by psto1464 on 15 June 2017
The end (for now)