You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
You sit under the tree
You sit under the tree.
Written by catprog on 21 May 2003
See? Keep moving or you get tranked. That's how the game is played.
Your relaxing moment under the tree is rudely interrupted by an abrupt transformation. You are hit by a tranquilizer dart, which turns you into a person with a tranquilizer dart stuck in their neck. It's an easy change. Of course, your train of thought gets about as far as "Oh good heavens, a dart of some kind. I'd betteeerrgmphqq," at which point the dart takes effect, and you slump under the tree like a drugged-up rag doll. A half-hearted twitch is all the moving you do for quite some time. Eventually, you wake up. When you do, you are...
Written by Zodiac on 27 January 2007
The Institute
Whatever was in the tranquilizer, it's not very eager to wear off. In the vague fog between awake and asleep, you learn that you are in a sitting position, in a mildly comfortable chair, and there is a nice-sounding voice welcoming you to the Transformational Institute.
Your mind clears. You are in what appears to be some sort of lobbey. The walls are covered with mirror tiles (probably one-way mirrors hiding cameras, you note), as are the ceiling and floor. There is also a plain white desk, with an attractive woman in a labcoat sitting behind it.
On the wall behind her you see an elevator, and a frightening-looking black double door marked "Main Lab." On the wall to your right, there is a far friendlier door with a smiley face on it and a large orange "Welcome" painted on it. The woman in the labcoat smiles at you.
"Just pick a door and you'll be on your way."
So, which door do you pick?
Written by Zodiac on 27 January 2007
Portal Lab
Your heart flutters and you feel as though you are having a hard time keeping your feet on the ground. Today is the most important day of your life. You have been chosen, amongst your peers, as a volunteer test subject to test out the first teleportation portal. You've been jumping at the chance to take the spotlight of this momentous occasion while those around you shrunk at the thought. You are admittedly having small, tickling second thoughts.
It is a massive, clunky thing. Millions of taxpayer dollars have been sunk into closing the gap between maybe ten feet of oxygen and atmosphere. The scientific and ethical implications of this tiny experiment are gigantic and just thinking about the possibility of a successful test boggles the mind.
So here you stand, in a starchy jumpsuit completely free of pockets or contraband. The teleportation room is large and gunmetal gray. The steel walls and floors are matte and do not reflect light well. The lights are fluorescent and cast an ugly shadow on everything they touch. While a few of your peers stand behind you, ready to escort you to the entrance portal, which stands 20 feet tall and emits a soft blue light, most of the people here witness you from a room attached to the high ceiling, looking down through glass windows with notepads and clipboards in hand. "T minus 30 seconds to activation..." speaks an electronically amplified voice at your back. You recognize it to be the voice of Dr. Callen, a man whom you've shared drinks and good times with. You understand his cold professionalism to be necessary to the experiment.
"It is time." A female scientist beside you says, bringing her hands out of her pockets. You watch her walk to the exit portal, also emitting a soft blue light. A male scientist to your left escorts you gently to the end of the entrance portal, a safe distance from any electrical discharge the portal may create upon activation.
Thirty seconds has passed and the portal begins to stir, and the soft blue gives out to a whirling vortex of blue, white and stands of gray. You've been told to expect some disorientation upon exiting the portal, as something that was once far away will appear very closely. You are expecting, as best as you can, to imagine the woman at the exit portal to appear at your side sooner than you would usually imagine.
"Teleportation Test Subject #1, please step through the portal."
Dr. Callen would otherwise call you by your name. You know he would.
Written by Martin Prance on 31 January 2016
Through the Portal
You step through the portal warily and expect nothing at all except to see the female doctor at your side. As expected, the portal welcomes you. Your body becomes warm and your extremities begin to tingle as if inundated with static electricity. You close your eyes as you step through. Upon exiting the portal, you open your eyes.
What you see is the furthest thing from what you expect. No longer are you in the cold, sterile environment of the laboratories you've spent the better part of your life in. Now you are inside of another world, looking at colors and lights that are completely alien to you. In shock and awe, you drop to your knees. The sky is a light, warm pink and the ground around you is effervescently orange. There are clouds staining the pink sky that are white, but with slight, welcoming hints of a lime green at their edges.
You can see mountains that extend past your sight and high into the sky, as if you are in a valley surrounded by needles of ground and orange earth. At your knees, the ground is lightly dusty, but firm, very reminiscent of the steel ground of the laboratory. There is a warm breeze that smells of rosemary and peach. There is sound unlike what you've ever imagined before, a humming that shifts and rises as if sung by the breeze that surrounds you.
The sights, sounds, colors, and smells that surround you are so overwhelming, you find yourself unable to move immediately. After five minutes of shock, you begin to come to your senses. You now have a choice in front of you. After examining the horizon, you think you can see the exit portal far off in the distance. The entrance portal sits at your back. Do you turn immediately backward to escape this place or do you venture forward toward the exit portal?
Written by Martin Prance on 02 February 2016
Go toward the Exit
You overcome your initial surprise and prioritize the success of the experiment over your shock and fear. When you get back, you can explain the strange world you find yourself temporarily occupying.
Beginning to run, you find your limbs to be lighter and your weight to be less burdensome and tiring. At this speed, you should be at the opposite portal in no time.
Then, a voice speaks behind you.
"Excuse me..." You turn around involuntarily at the shock of finding yourself no longer alone.
A strange, alien creature stands in front of you. The creature is tall, covered from head to toe in a brown, spotted fur. Their eyes are full of life and empathy, but spaced strangely closer to the sides of their head than a human's. Other than that, they are strangely humanlike, with slender shoulders, a curved, feminine body and brown eyes with long eyelashes.
Their form immediately communicates femininity and their stance is cautious. They are looking at you suspiciously, with a human hand covered in fur stretching out toward you.
"Hello?" The creature says in a female's voice.
Upon closer inspection, this woman's form is most closely reminiscent of a gazelle, with a strange, deer-like haunch in her thighs, slender limbs and the distinctive white spotting of her fur. Her form is welcoming, but strange. You have an instinctive attraction to her most immediately apparent of the curiosity any normal human would have toward a random, friendly stray cat.
"Can you speak?" She says to you.
How do you respond to her?
Written by Martin Prance on 06 February 2016
"Hello..." You speak, your voice trembling ever so slightly. Relaxing its outstretched arm, the gazelle woman fixes her stance and stands taller than you.
"You're human." She states matter of factly. This fact cannot be disputed. "And you're here." This is also a fact that would be extremely difficult to argue. "That's fascinating."
You're left not knowing quite how to respond. Your fear is beginning to fade and softly turn into curiosity. You also fix your stance to find that, even standing straight and tall, she is a head taller than you.
"This is fantastic. This is the moment we've been waiting for. It's finally here and you're the first to arrive! What is your name?"
Even in your gradually calming state you find yourself unable to give her a straight-faced response. You're having trouble not focusing on examining her form. She is, by all definition, naked, without external clothing or coverings save for a luxurious coat of fur. Regardless, her natural form is apparent upon even cursory examination.
"I see." She says, some disappointment detectable in her voice. "Then it was an accident, not a pilgrimage."
That doesn't make sense and yet again, you're left without response.
"The time where you will understand or at least find yourself home with purpose and meaning is coming. It's coming very very soon. I'll be seeing you sooner than you realize, brother in truth. Come find me when it's time. My name is Yhnhn."
When she speaks her name, it sounds very much like she is saying "Yin" like yin and yang, yet with a strange inflection as if ignoring the middle consonant.
Yhnhn steps aside and allows you to walk through the portal, which you find yourself doing the moment you detect that she genuinely means you no harm or that you are not in danger within her vicinity.
The strange blue glow accepts you as you step back into the portal.
Written by Martin Prance on 08 February 2016
back through
You come out through the portal to what appears to be a slightly disappointed crowd. Yet, behind masks and panes of glass, it's hard to truly gauge anyone's sincere reaction. When asked to explain what happened, you find yourself unwilling to explain the strange, alien world, trying your hardest to not entertain their disappointment and possible regret of choosing you as a test subject by giving them a cockamamie story.
According to your fellow scientists, only a few seconds had passed between your entrance and your exit. You play dumb when asked about your experience inside the portal. You decide that if they choose another test subject, you can begin to remember your experiences should another test subject see what you saw.
You're placed into a light quarantine, in reality an on-site apartment with amenities and a call-button for an emergency team. You are left alone with a few books and a cot. You've been here before, these same rooms are often used for on-call scientists or anyone on a team during crunch time. You've read through these books before, a few romance books and a worn copy of The Two Towers, suspiciously absent from its sequel and predecessor. You decide to crack open The Two Towers to pass the time.
Written by Martin Prance on 07 February 2016
Hair Growth
A tingling on your skin snaps you back to reality as you attempt to remember the events of a book you last read back in High School. This tingling is on the back of your neck and it's extremely distracting. Reaching at your back, you feel your own hair. Strangely, though, your hair is much longer than it was before.
Not ready to immediately believe that your hair has genuinely received a spontaneous growth spurt, you rush toward the bathroom to see yourself in the mirror.
It's unmistakable. Your hair is longer and the hair on your eyebrows and eyelashes is also longer. Seeing as it's not technically an emergency and you still feel extremely healthy, you are wary to call the emergency team. Your lab is not a well-off lab and using labor and man-hours to talk about your rapidly growing hair is...
Well, probably justified. Yet somehow you can't bring yourself to do it. Perhaps it's another reason. Perhaps a strange boost in keratin? You check your fingernails to see if they too have grown longer. Indeed they have. You're surprised you didn't notice this while reading.
A boost in keratin is absolutely not an emergency. You'll report your odd circumstances in the morning. This is all very exciting.
You decide, after a quick nail clipping, as to not stab yourself in your sleep, to hit the sack and get up bright and early in the morning.
Written by Martin Prance on 11 February 2016
A dream. That strange woman is back. She called you a brother in truth.
You are home, however. You are inside the strange dimension, but as you turn your head all the way around your neck, you feel comfort here, as if you're somewhere that you've been looking for your whole life.
Yhnhn speaks, yet her voice is garbled and cloudy. Her words are beautiful but your heart seizes trying to understand her. Is she speaking comfort? Acceptance? Love?
She extends her hand to you as she had before. As you grasp it, you can feel with such clarity her soft hand and the fur and gentle follicles as they brush against your palm. Your fingers interlock and your hand begins to glow with warmth.
Your hand, interlocking with hers, is also covered in fur. An effervescent orange fur with black stripes running down your wrist.
Upon the shock of seeing your hand transformed, you wake up with a start.
You felt a strange repulsion upon seeing your hand covered in fur, but understanding it to be a dream, you find yourself calming down quickly. You pull the covers off of you to get up and get a drink.
The moment you grip your blanket, your heart drops as your hand feels significantly... furrier.
Turning on the light and throwing your hands in front of your face, it's just as you feared, your hands have transformed into furry, animal-like hands. Your fur is orange and those same black stripes run their way down your wrists and across the back of your hand. Looking further up your arm, the fur continues up to your shoulder.
You race toward the bathroom to see yourself in the mirror. Quickly switching on the light, the truth reveals itself: you are growing distinctly tiger-like features.
It is a good twenty minutes before you are able to accept what is happening before your very eyes. You can't pull the emergency button, you can't even imagine anyone seeing you like this. Why? Maybe they can help you. And yet you can't. There's something inside of you crying out to not let anyone see your true form.
You mean your new form. Not true form. You didn't mean to think 'true form', that's crazy.
You just can't let anyone see you like this. Your mind begins to race through the different options in front of you. There's the option of staying where you are and seeing what happens to you in the morning. Will you be a real tiger by then? You can't imagine that's the case. Your mind isn't going, you're just as lucid and capable of human thought as ever. Plus, that gazelle woman wasn’t fully a gazelle and she acted as though she had existed the way she does for a long time.
You can run away... but then you'd never be able to return to that world or find the gazelle woman.
That's it, isn't it? You need to find that woman, Yhnhn. So that's what has to be done. You are still inside the laboratory building. So it's time.
Written by Martin Prance on 13 February 2016
In the other world
You are inside the lab, trying to activate the portal without turning on the lights. Any time the lights turn on, security is immediately alerted to a human presence inside the building. Thankfully, as your body has begun to transform, you can feel the darkness easing into your eyes, the small amounts of light reflected against every surface begin to increase in contrast. You can see in low-light now, and you're hard-pressed to not find some value and novelty in this new mutation.
The soft blue glow twists and contorts its way into a swirling blue vortex once again. You can hear the opening of doors behind you. It was only a matter of time. More than the fear of being caught or losing your job, you find that the fear of being seen for who you are and what you've become is entirely more frightening than any arbitrary punishment they could enact on you.
You pounce into the portal, immediately finding yourself within that strange orange wasteland once again. You find that you are once again calm. If someone where to find themselves here, not only would they not recognize you, but not even assume that the creature before them was ever human. Surrounded by the strange geometries of this land never seen before by humans, you feel comfort.
Yhnhn is nowhere to be seen. You need answers.
You decide to run off into the distance. Once again, the lightness with which you travel is inspiring and strange. Your limbs have contorted into longer, more slender and tighter coils of muscles. You feel admittedly more at home in your body than you ever have before.
As you run, not an idea but a compulsion comes to your mind. You may be faster if you ran on all fours. The idea seems undignified somehow, but as you speed through the wastelands past these odd pillars of yellow and gold, you wish only to hunch over and achieve the speed that you are now finally worthy of.
Do you decide to do it? Do you get on all fours to run?
Written by Martin Prance on 14 February 2016
You accept this new form and all of the advantages is has to offer. Upon pounding your two front palms into the ground in front of you, these advantages becomes immediately apparent. You are as fast as the wind. You find yourself running now, not to find Yhnhn but to indulge yourself in what must assuredly be a dream.
You are racing as if you were on a motorcycle and yet you have so much control, you know you could stop on a dime. You don't feel any exhaustion or fatigue. There's something perverse about this feeling and yet so natural.
You continue to run for what feels like hours. A flickering thought of the exit portal enters your mind and your senses come back to you. You're looking for Yhnhn and you're looking for answers. You run just slightly slower so that you can observe the environment around you. You come a forest of trees with bright, baby blue trunks and leaves of a bright, catching, deep maroon. Manipulating your way through these woods is a simple task and you can hear a noise in the distance...
Written by Martin Prance on 15 February 2016
You see her
Next to a riverbank that rushes with a bright, glowing blue bubbling liquid, appearing to be a sort of thick, jelly-like water, you see her there. Yhnhn. She seems to have aged since you saw her mere hours ago. What was once a nubile, young body has grown womanly and mature. She stares at you with shock like you must have once looked at her.
"Brother in truth." She speaks with reverence. You still don't know exactly how to reply.
"It's been so long."
It's only been hours, you told her. You saw her less than a day ago. But to her, it's felt like ages. Time moves either slower or quicker in this place depending on your frame of reference. She has waited for your return.
"You've arrived. In time, as our world’s timeline synchronizes with yours, so will everyone else. You are simply the first and I couldn’t be happier to see you.”
But you’re scared, you say. What is this place and what have I become?
“This is the World of Forms. Where all that has been clouded by reality finds its true form. You have simply become what you were always meant to be. You were destined to become this the moment you stepped through that portal, and whether you know it now or not, others will follow suit.”
Is this what you were meant to be? Have you somehow become a creature you’ve always known yourself to be on the inside? What if someone finds you here?
“I’m so happy to see you this way. You’re finally home.”
You now have a choice. Not a choice of actions but a choice of being and identity.
Yhnhn stares at you with large, beautiful eyes, kneeling down at the riverside, watching you, waiting your response patiently.
The wind is gentle, warm and smells of rosemary and peach. Time moves slowly.
Written by Martin Prance on 17 February 2016
Accept This
You let go of the person you once knew. For a moment, you take the time to feel the fur on the back of your hand as tears come to your eyes. What arises out of letting go and becoming who you are now isn’t emptiness or fear, as you may have once felt, but elation and excitement.
Yhnhn stares at you, patiently, placing a soft hand on a tuft of fur that had arisen from your neck. More tears come to your eyes and you feel more at home in this strange, alien place than you had ever felt anywhere else before. You no longer fear your arguable eventual discovery by your peers, and you’re just as content to have gone missing forever in the cold, sterile world you once knew.
A stranger stands at your side, a woman with the appearance of an animal and the heart and patience of a saint continues to hold their hand at your back. You don’t know this person. You don’t know where your next meal will come from or where you will find shelter. You don’t know what will happen to your home and you don’t know if you will be presumed dead.
What you do know is that you’re happier now than you’ve ever been before.
Moments later, you’re a simple streak on the horizon, running faster than your legs have ever taken you.
Written by Martin Prance on 19 February 2016