"I..." the voice is right. She is very hungry again. The hay does look tasty...
"No! I won't forget. My friends will save me!"
"If you say so..." the voice says doubtfully.
Daniel grabs some hay and eats it. It is tasty. She can feel herself getting full. The voice talks to her again "There. wasn't that better than worrying yourself?"
"I guess... but..."
"No buts! Look, you're already forgetting. You're forgetting your name, who your family is and everything else about the outside world. It's all fading away."
"It is not!"
"What are the names of your parents?"
"... I don't know..."
The voice laughs. "You really don't remember, do you?"
"Stop it..."
"It's okay. You don't need to worry about any of that stuff now. You're safe from all the bad things out there."
"I... I am?"
"Of course you are. I'll look after you. We can look after each other. Just stay here and chew some hay."
"I think I will..."
"Good. That's good."
The voice is right, she feels sleepy again. Everything fades away as she curls up in the corner of the cell and falls asleep.
Written by AI Dungeon on 15 May 2021