Bring someone with you into the tomb.
“Wow. This looks amazing.” Casey whispered to the group, just loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone was completely enamored by the scene before them as you all entered the main room just before what you all assumed to be the final temple- the room you all were waiting for, the space in which the ancient entombment was located.
Everyone watched in silence. The room was so immaculate as it was filled with ornate decorations that it was absolutely clear to everyone that this was exactly where they needed to be. Once everyone had the chance to file into the room, everyone had their chance to comment on the beautiful structure and decor within the room.
The main centerpiece of the entire room was the massive sphynx statue signifying the final pathway before the tomb.
“Is that supposed to be you?” Barley joked with you. “Looks like that… picture from earlier?” He mentioned, referring to the last screen you both saw before the first mysterious teleportation you had experienced in that skull room.
“That’s him.” Your reply almost prompted the others to move in a bit closer to you. “That’s him. It’s been him this entire time.” you continued, subtly trying to make it seem as if you had known this whole time. “This must be his tomb.” you continued.
“Who’s this?” Buddy asked, wiggling his way between you and Duke. Questioning your all powerful knowledge. The group seemed completely dumbfounded by your response. ‘Him’ their collective expressions said to you as you slowly looked each one of them over. Solemnly, you continued, trying your best to explain to the others more about the dream you had- more about the knowledge you had inferred from this mysterious tomb. After huffing in a deep breath, you continued. “This was the creator of this tomb. Inevitably, his body is stored here as well.” You said. Duke smirked from the sidelines. “This being is said to have created this entire pyramid, not only for his entombment, but also to help power the city, his people… This tomb is for sustainability.” You continued as you slowly started moving towards the pulsing lights.
“Of course!” One of the twins said. “That makes so much sense… So does that mean…”
“Yes.” You answered him before even hearing the rest of his assumption. “His body is what’s powering everything.”
“So that means…” Casey started. “If we take the body, then will the facility no longer have power? Will everything else this generator may power also go out?” she asked. Before you could think, it was as if your words instantly gave her a response.
“I’m absolutely sure of it.” You said in a confident tone before approaching the statue and resting a hand on its shoulder.
“Regardless… We still have a mission to complete.” Duke growled. “But now that kinda brings us to a bit of a moral dilemma.” His comment seemed to strike you where it hurt. You didn’t figure such a gruff old grey muzzle would have had so much concern over the status of this tomb, but the sentiment actually made you become a bit more open about the situation as you figured out how you all were going to move forward.
“I’m unsure what we should do, but that room just ahead doesn’t seem like it could fit us all…” One of the twins remarked.
“Yes.” You replied. “I also think that if we go in, we should keep a few others out here, just in case something else happens.” Duke jumped in, your stomach started to sink as you assumed he was about to oppose your ideas once more.
“He’s right.” The dog said. “I know we just made it back together, after being split up, but maybe he’s right. And it’s for the best.” You were absolutely baffled by the dog’s suggestions. At this point, it was clear that you had already become part of the platoon just as much as any other of the members.
“I would like to volunteer myself to go, first and foremost. I think I could do a lot to help move the coffin out of that tiny little room.” You started before looking at every other one of your teammates. “Though… I’m a bit unsure about which one of you I should take.” You stood there, thinking for a moment. You could tell that a few of them were eager to go with you, and a few of them didn’t particularly like the idea of going into the dark spooky room ahead of you. Regardless, you could tell that every single one of them had trusted your decisions just as much as they trusted Duke’s.
Written by Drifting Dragon on 10 February 2022