Stay yourself
Rather than choose a different species you choose the option that leaves you, you. The screens fade away in a burst of light leaving you on the trail of a forest. Taking a moment you admire how much work was put into the game. Your hands look exactly like they do out of the game. Reaching out you pick a leaf off the tree and admire the way it feels in your hands. You reach up to adjust the headset and only feel your hair. Thinking menu brings up the menu. But there is no logout button. The only tabs on the screen are stats, skills, quests & map. Your stats are:
Strength : 10 | Constitution: 10 | Dexterity : 10 |
Intellect: 10 | Wisdom: 10 | Charisma: 10 |
Mana: 100/100 | Recharge Rate: 10/minute |
HP: 100/100 | Recharge Rate: 10/minute |
Stamina: 100/100 | Recharge Rate: 10/minute |
Recharge Bonus:
X2 when not used for a minute |
X3 when not used for a hour |
X4 when sleeping |
Opening the skill menu you are quite surprised when you see the screen because...
Written by catprog on 25 February 2018