Flight of Dragons... dat daaa... Flight of Dragons...
So, apparently, reality itself has decided to fall to pieces. OK, you nod with the air of one whose mind can't possibly comprehend the magnitude of this and so is relatively all right with it, in that case you might as well do this epic journey thing properly.
All by yourself upon the rocky precipice for the time being, you figure the best place to start in any epic adventure is to fraternize with the local townsfolk, make some social connections. Of course, they'll probably try to kill you more likely than not; you are a dragon now, after all. Because you can't count on this alternate universe to be progressively-minded, you opt for a clever strategy.
Quickly gaining mastery of thy new wings, you alight in a forest. An hour later finds you approaching the outer limits of the nearest, humble townstead, waving a huge elm bough woven through strips of birch bark--a giant white flag. The hardy citizenry emerge from their log houses, chattering excitedly at the sight of you, but your clever use of the magic of the white flag seems to be keeping them from panic/violence.
An envoy of gnarled townsfolk meets you close to the gates, aiming what appear to be rifles upon you.
"All roit, dragon, what do yew want?" Inquires the leader.
You figure that hiding information only comes back to haunt any character in a decent epic adventure. "I was once a human being, but today I found myself sucked into an alternate universe--here--and turned into the dragon you see today. Now I figure that because my reality is broken, I might as well socialize with the locals to get a good sense of what's going on around here."
This registers for a moment. Finally, the bearded leader scratches his mighty facial hair. "I think we should get the village elder for this one," he rumbles bemusedly.
Written by Mr.Peaches on 11 February 2007