The light dissipates to reveal three strange beings.
One is a woman whose lower half becomes tentacles that seem to be made of twisted gold. She’s holding a candlestick in one hand. "I am Ellebelle," she says. "The goddess of goldsmiths."
The second is a man with fiery red skin and dragons horns. In both hands, he holds a flickering flame. "I am Ulanma," he says. "The god of fire."
The third is a woman whose lower half is obscured by a spinner of sandy wind. In her right hand, she holds a wind-chime. "I am Masjinne," she says. "The goddess of wind."
"We have come before you to offer our patronage," says Ellebelle.
"And we come with gifts," says Ulanma.
"But," says Masjinne, "you may only choose one of us as your patron."
Ellebelle holds out her candlestick. "If you choose me, then your hands will be forever skilled in the art of crafting metal. Using your hands, you will craft art that will adorn the homes and bodies of royalty."
Ulanma holds out the flame. "If you choose me, then you will never need fear fire ever again. It will come to you as a servant to a master, and give you the power to conquer armies."
Masjinne holds out the wind-chime. "If you choose me, then the wind will forever be at your back. It will carve a path for you, and clear your way of all obstacles."
All three say "Choose."
You reach out your hand, and take hold of the . . . .
Written by Ophelianime on 29 November 2014