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You decided to hop out of the cart at the last minute, rolling onto the ground and dirtying your beautiful black fur, and the bright pink dress you had worn every day. The stains didn’t seem to bother you though, as your night vision helped to guide you through the dark depths of the tunnels. A heavy thumping within you seemed to help move you through the winding tunnels even though you didn’t fully know what you were looking for and why.
It wasn’t long before you had reached a few dead ends, trying to avoid the eerily close sounds of groans and disembodied voices echoing through the caves, but before long you had come across a large clearing deep within. You shuffled your hands through the walls feeling your way around the enormously large cave for anything; terror gripped your mind as you thought to yourself that maybe this was the end.
Suddenly, you tripped across something heavy and hard, stumbling to the ground and turning to see what it was. To your surprise, you saw a medium sized wooden box half buried in the dirt. Your eyes lit up when you saw the bejeweled sparkles reflect the dimly lit remnants of light filtering in from the distant toches sparsely scattered through the dark tunnel walls. You immediately knew what this was, and as your hands brushed against the wooded surface.
Your expert eyes took a good hard look at the box before failing to pry it open, and with a second examination you noticed the key hole in the front of the opulen bedazzled box, and nearly jumped for joy when you realized you had picked up the key from within the mine cart. With a quick fumble, you firmly grasp the bronze piece before inserting it into the box, turning it, and revealing what was inside.
The shiny dark coat of fur felt soft in your touch when you unfurled the cloth in your hands to get a more full look at your winning prize. Thoughts ran through your head about how you were nearly at the end of your rope this time, yet you knew that your persistence was soon to pay off. You felt the energy rushing through you when you finally started your next transformation, bending and warping to the will of the costume. You cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure which echoed through the tunnels along with the other dully resonating voices.
Your senses began to block those noises out, as you started to feel yourself falling into the next body, your mind started to become empty, and your memories slowly began to occupy with the memories of whatever was to come next.

Written by Driftingdragon on 22 August 2020

The end (for now)

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