In a room
The sign reads
"Welcome all new travellers.
To continue you must go through a series of doors.
After going through you will pick a costume. You will then become a half- human and half that creature.
After a week(100 mins a hour,20 hrs a day,10 days a week) has passed you may morph and get another costume. To start of with you will only be able to become 40% human to 60% human.
If you put on a costume you will then become that creature, be teleported to it's home town and have to wait a week before being able to morph.
After 50 costumes you may change into one of your other costumes and become 30% to 70% human. When changing costumes you must wait at least an hour before you can change costumes again.
100 different species/gender costumes allows you to gender-morph and become 20% to 80% human
200 different species costumes allows you to combine costumes and become 10% to 90% human
400 different species costumes allows you to return to your world with no more morphing
And 800 different species costumes makes a polymorph and allows you to morph outside of this world.
Also if you have a costume like a centaur then the human part will always be human and is counted towards the human percentage.
Any gender/species transformation magic of yours can only change your gender(if you have at least 100 costumes) and the animal part to a different animal.
When you change into a different costume (that you already have) you may teleport to that species home town but you will have the week penalty where you have no costume changes.
If you die while wearing a costume you will be reborn at the local inn (or appropriate location ). If you have more then 100 costumes you will lose the costume you had when you died and go to an appropriate place for your next costume.
If you fail to make it out in 100 years(100 weeks in a year) one of your possible forms will be chosen and you will be permanently stuck in that form(apart from magic) until you die. Also there will be no possibility of going back to your world.
Also, one final note: should you take a female form and become pregnant, you won't be able to change your gender until the child is born, though the other aspects of your form may change (the child will change to match.) That is all, and good luck!
You realise that you have to do what the sign said to do and go through the doors and grab a costume.
Alternatively you could use the key system to determine the room
Written by Catprog on 11 February 2004
Normal Land
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are two more doors however and both of them have a sign on them saying
Costume room for
Element: Land
Type: Normal
Gender: ????
So which door do you want
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
Female Normal Land
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.<P/>There are five costumes in this room, all of them female, all of them are normal land creatures.
- Snake <li><span class="female">Wolf</span></li>
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
Skunk Taur
The moment you touch the costume, it comes alive an starts to flow over your body. First the costume flows behind, and you feel another body form. It starts with a large tail with a white stripe flowing down the middle, and along the lower body. You also feel it sliding up your normal back. There's a moment of panic, a fear of what may happen, but as the change takes you, it subsides, a merging of fact and the unknown.
You watch the costume move up to the chest and with amusement you watch as they balloon out and you soon have 6 decent sized bumps. I'm turning into a girl?
You watch as the fur flows out from the white turning black. White and black? Skunk? Your turning into a skunk? But why so large breasts, and so many? You look back over and it also appears you are turning into a centaur like creature.
Their is a feeling of coldness and you look down and watch as your manhood melts away, changing into your new womenhood.
You sit down, feeling dazed, a bit unused to your new limbs. Reaching down for your front feet you feel them change and turning into paws. Soon you stand up as a new female skunk taur.
Written by Catprog & Kendareru on 10 February 2011
As you look around you notice your clothes are also changing. Soon you are covered in frills and have a crown on your head.
New knowledge enters your mind about your new royal family and how you are next in line for the throne.
As you try to adjust you find yourself in the middle of a forest, with the sun setting and a wolf howling.
Written by catprog on 03 August 2018
The clothes you wore clung tight to your body as you watched your front legs padding forward across the cold earth. Hard white claws scratched up the dry soil as your weight shifted between your new quadrupedal gait. You stepped lightly, as to not muddy your dainty black paws, though you couldn't help but ponder as to why you were doing this.
"Wait a minute, what's with all this prissy pink bullcrap?" A tiara atop your head glistened in the morning light, its bright pink and blue flecks of light shone exquisitely with every meandering pace.
In the distance [hows a skunks sight?] What seemed like the end of the road. A small patch of trees and grass sprouting from the center of your vision. Upon close inspection, you come to realize that the path merely split in two a bit farther down the way; two thin winding paths led deep into the forested terrain, one sloping upward, and another one trailing deep down into the dark greenery, its viridescent hues grew deeper in value as your eyes tried to adjust to the dim light.
Which path shall you choose?
Written by Driftingdragon on 04 March 2020
Walk up road -meet family
You decide to take the higher road, sandy brow rocks tumbled downward as your legs propelled you farther up the trail. Your tail swayed behind you in anticipation and slight caution as you approached the top of the hill, just barely able to see the structures behind it. The air smelled fresher with every step you took as the trees around you began to make way into a much larger clearing, filled with much less saturated and brighter green grasses.
The pupils of your eyes widened as you feast your eyes upon an opulent palace, the high towering stone masonry was carved out in intricate detail, your eye catching more of its intricacies as you near its looming presence. A large stone archway hangs over the exterior walls of the buildings, drawing tall curves in the air above you. Their pale rough surfaces formed a stark contrast against the bright baby blue skies stretching for miles above you; not a cloud in sight.
A new spring began to develop in your step as you made your way closer to the structure, it began to appear much larger as you came closer to the immaculate castle. Two guards were posted on each side of the entrance, the barracks just behind the large wooden draw-bridge was bustling with life as other soldiers took standby as their colleagues kept their eyes fixed on the only moving thing in the distance. Your black and white fur stood out against the deep earthy tones of the trees behind you, the fur rustled on your body as the wind grazed the tops of the grass, their waxy exteriors glistened in the sunlight as they danced like waves towards you. The combination leads the guard’s eyes directly to you, as your towering figure stood just barely in the clearing.
You froze as you saw them, and they began to approach you, waving their arms, and calling out, with a surprisingly gentle tone in their voice.
“Princess!” they belt out to you, as their armored bodies careened towards you at full speed. This sight caused you to rear up, almost ten feet in the air; your front legs kicked in the air just in front of you, the clawed paws scratched through the hot dry air. They call to you once again, while attempting to pacify you as the spook wore off. Your pupils begin to return to normal, once you realize the two of them were not a threat. Their hands brushed against your long coarse hairs, running their plated fingertips across your flank as you lower your front limbs down once again.
“Thank you princess. Glad you have returned!” One of them called out to you.
“Yes, we have been looking for you all morning! Princess. Where have you been you silly goose.” the other guard states, as he shot a hot glance over at his colleague. You watch as the guards turn around, walking back towards the castle. They look at you, before quickly turning back around to continue strutting their way back to the building. You have a moment to take in the sight before you, as the much smaller canine mutts beckoned you closer with their tails as they continued. In a moment you take full stride, rearing once again, before cantering up behind them.
A guard quietly giggles as he shoots you a quick yet subtle glance over his shoulder upon seeing how hard it took for you to catch up. They lead you deep into the castle walls, their pearly smooth appearance reflected your own image on the walls. You watched your body sway, first the front, then the back with every step you take farther. The hard tile beneath your feet hurt your paws somewhat; accustomed to the soft dirt you once tread upon, the lack of give with the cold cut limestone began to wear on your knees and elbows.
Chat can be heard in the room nearby, almost instantly after you walk into the foyer, the conglomerate of voices seemed to mix together as one as they all took turns saying what they needed in the moment. Your keen ears picked up on both male and female voices, as well as the voice of someone probably rather young as well- at least younger than yourself. When you walk past the threshold of the huge drawing room, you look in awe at the high ceilings as they almost dwarf the furniture pushed into the center of the room. Your eyes gaze at the group of people sitting and chatting around a small coffee table.
Unlike the guards, the others sitting around the table were much like yourself in stature; the three of them were perched heavily on couches, sitting with their quadrupedal bodies, as their front limbs remained straight and rigid. Their upper arms flexed slightly, as they took turns bringing teacups up to their mouths to take a sip as they spoke quietly among each other. They quickly break away from the conversation to examine you as you walk through the door.
With multiple eyes upon you, your mind began to race as it hyper focused on your clothes. The bright saturated pink of your dress (Check for accuracy in the document thing+ FINISH DESCRIPTION). They all watch as well, standing up while talking chattily to each other.
“Sup sis!” The smallest taur said to you, his white stripe had barely (how does their color change as they age), “Thought you’d never get back!”
“Oh of course I’d return brother!” You said in response, giving the group a curtsy, the tiny fingertips wrinkled your satin dress with precision as your front legs bent slightly in politeness.
“Your mother and I have been worried sick.” The largest of the three projected his voice much louder than the younger male, which made you jump slightly as he expressed himself, turning in your direction, and nearly leaping from his chair as he saw you. The smaller adult sat there; legs crossed, as well as her arms, a piercing stare directly into your soul, as to say ‘your father is right’.
It was a familiar feeling, being talked down to by your parents again, though there was something that irritated you about things. They quickly begin to lose your focus, your stare wandered around the enormous room you found yourself in. The architecture surrounding you had enticed you more than anything these people could have shown or told you.
Ultimately, you ended up waiting for the three of them to quit talking, after politely shooting them smiles and nods, regardless of your vindictive attitude, not long after everyone’s introduction, you look around seeing a multitude of pathways within your immaculate dwellings. First a deep cavernous rocky archway leading down a steep spiraling staircase, winding deep down into the earth’s crust as it curved in a tight disorienting coil. On the other side, a large wooden door; in it, was etched images of your family's past, from generations ago. A tail you recalled to be the most boring and mundane one that was drilled into your head since you were young. Then again, you could also stay here, and listen to what your parents have to say.
Where will you go?
Written by Driftingdragon on 05 March 2020
Go to library
The looming presence of what could have been beyond those doors stuck with you, it caused you to want to know what was behind it, your curiosity got the best of you. In the middle of one of your family lectures you decided to wander off into the library of the gigantic palace. Needless to say the amount of books contained in overwhelmed you quite a bit, as you were consumed by the mouth of the room, walking past the archway.
Your eyes could barely focus on the numerous books lining the walls of the library, their various colors were a blur, as they lined up all the way to the ceiling. Tracks folded themselves around the tops of the shelves, where the towering ladders sat firmly. The books were organized by genre. Which will you choose?
Written by Driftingdragon on 29 March 2020
As you scanned through the books lining your castle’s opulent shelves, you stopped at the first and most interesting book you can find. ‘History’ was written on the cover in large text.
“Guess this is what interests people.” you stared at the painted cover as it was filled with figures, countries, and flags overlapping in varied opacities. You weren’t able to recognize any of the individuals listed on the cover, or even in the table of context as you began to scan the words lining the pages. Time seemed to fly by as you learned about lifetime's worth of knowledge; you pondered to yourself how nobody could have known the impact of their actions. Your stomach began to feel heavy as you read through pages of destruction and war.
You had learned many battle tactics, as well as soft-power skills, readying you for your own space in history itself. Something about the level of manipulation you had exposed yourself to began to make your head spin as your mind grew exponentially as you sat there quietly with your muzzle between the pages. What will you do?
Written by Driftingdragon on 03 May 2020
You place the book down, disgusted and unentertained. Not caring to finish studying this subject, you decide to occupy your time with something else. After falling asleep and taking a nap for the entire day, you realize that you needed to prepare for the attendance of the ball, which had completely snuck up on you in your distraction. What do you do?
Written by Driftingdragon on 07 May 2020
Go For a walk
Your mind still wandered needlessly, so your feet decided to do the exact same. As the sounds of the voices and banter grew farther from you as you walked away down the hall leading up to the main ballroom, looking around the way just ahead to figure out what it is you will spend your time doing at this point. You find yourself sitting on the front stairs of your castle, waiting alone by yourself for something to happen, though your mind enjoyed being alone for once. The countless stories and tales of history you briefed yourself on earlier kept playing through your head as if it were a broken record.
Suddenly it came to you! From the hard work you had put into studying the historical backings of the different warring nations you were born into. You had made up to yourself that at that moment you would become a diplomat. The mundane and boring tasks you were ‘destined’ to enjoy just wasn’t cutting it for you. Therefore you decided to dedicate your energy into something slightly more parallel with the somewhat interesting vices of political enlightenment; a topic you had grazed over slightly in your studying. Where will you go?
Written by Driftingdragon on 18 June 2020
Travel as a neutral party.
As the middle most neutral land between the five kingdoms, you decided to yourself that you wanted to tour every one of the other kingdoms with a newfound passion for history and literature. You knew that traveling the world, you had to find a nice sounding and official title to go by just so that you could have an extra layer of protection just in case. As the neutral kingdom of the five great kingdoms, you had enough power from your own throne to make this happen right away, and before the morning even came, you were off on your adventure.
You rode into the wilderness pondering what you shall now call yourself, and what impact that may have on those who encounter you on your journey. Now you have read many words in those history books, but you needed to find out one of them that stood out particularly well to you. Not too nice, not too mean, and definitely nothing ugly! You thought to yourself long and hard about this, but it wasn’t until you had come across the first kingdom, before you had found your perfect name.
Written by Driftingdragon on 31 July 2020
You set off to the west calling yourself an “Anthropologist” a word you had read vaguely about in your studies, though you only truly understood it to be ‘studying people’ so that was what you did. In the Western parts of the land, you found yourself among a medium sized minging kingdom, half buried in their own tunnels, with the remaining land sitting high atop enormous mountains. In your mind, it was an amazing feat, and you wanted to know more about how it came to be, though you couldn’t decide whether you wanted to start from below and work your way up, or climb your way to the top, before understanding what was hidden beneath the foundation.
Written by Driftingdragon on 01 August 2020
Down to up
You decided to begin on the lower part of the kingdom first, and though it lacked the opulence and beautiful setup as the upper grounds had, there was still something stunningly magical about the environment as you walked up to the towering double gates of the mine entrance. Looking around for someone to talk to, there seemed to be nobody in sight, and after you had called out a few times, you were amazed with how your voice echoed off of the acoustic walls of the mine.
Suddenly, a small head peeked from around one of the massive pillars holding the entire establishment up. As she walked from around the structure, you noticed that she was another taur. A small slender fox taur, which seemed a bit unfit as a gate keeper, but it barely weighed on your mind as you were too amazed by the way the enormous structures before you were carved out of the stone with such intricacies.
“Uhh hello there? What is it I can do for you ma’am?” her small meager voice was to weak to even form a powerful enough sentence to echo from the walls.
“Greetings native! I’ve come here traveling to understand the culture of this fine estate!” she tilted her head and seemed quite confuse. “What can you tell me about where you live?” the creature held her arms tightly against her chest, almost nervously she looked around as if she was searching for someone else hidden among them.
“Umm. I can give you a quick tour, and tell you some things about how we live down here, as well as what we can do for the rest of the country.” she said, weakly.
“Sure! Where shall we start?” you asked.
“We have a few options, which one will you choose?”
Written by Driftingdragon on 11 August 2020
You looked around anxiously trying to figure out what you were the most interested in, though the only thing there other than the two of you, and the rocky walls surrounding you, was the large metallic glaring of the minecarts nearby. Their bodies were made of a thick polished yet weathered wood, held together by rusted metal bands spanning around them. Your eyes lit up as you realized you wanted to go on a minecart ride! You walked over to it without saying a word, thinking to yourself how this had little to do with your new self titled profession, your focus was broken as you noticed a small key on the floor inside of the cart.
“I think I would like a mine cart tour!” You said with the most professional tone you could muster; your fellow taur could tell that you were actually quite excited. She led you across the divots in the ground where the mine cart’s concave wheels rested and the two of you climbed into the wooden half-box. Something about the way you both shook inside seemed to unsettle you, but it was too late at this point, as the guide started the cart, and your sneaky scavenging hands had scooped up the key as she was distracted with the tour.
Its wheels jerked sporadically, making for a rather bumpy ride for a princess, you enjoyed the novelty of it though as you both coasted through miles worth of mine tunnels. You wondered what it was for, but the new sights, smells, and sensory of this next frontier of yours had filled you with joy and wanderlust.
Your guide seemed quite nervous as you both rolled through the dank musky mines, and you seemed to notice that and feel uncomfortable yourself, along with the mysterious figures groaning in agony as they worked in the background, or maybe it was the creaky unoiled wheels? You weren’t too sure. After a while, you had become bored of the same never ending tunnel, so you had made up in your mind to do something about it.
Written by Driftingdragon on 18 August 2020
You decided to hop out of the cart at the last minute, rolling onto the ground and dirtying your beautiful black fur, and the bright pink dress you had worn every day. The stains didn’t seem to bother you though, as your night vision helped to guide you through the dark depths of the tunnels. A heavy thumping within you seemed to help move you through the winding tunnels even though you didn’t fully know what you were looking for and why.
It wasn’t long before you had reached a few dead ends, trying to avoid the eerily close sounds of groans and disembodied voices echoing through the caves, but before long you had come across a large clearing deep within. You shuffled your hands through the walls feeling your way around the enormously large cave for anything; terror gripped your mind as you thought to yourself that maybe this was the end.
Suddenly, you tripped across something heavy and hard, stumbling to the ground and turning to see what it was. To your surprise, you saw a medium sized wooden box half buried in the dirt. Your eyes lit up when you saw the bejeweled sparkles reflect the dimly lit remnants of light filtering in from the distant toches sparsely scattered through the dark tunnel walls. You immediately knew what this was, and as your hands brushed against the wooded surface.
Your expert eyes took a good hard look at the box before failing to pry it open, and with a second examination you noticed the key hole in the front of the opulen bedazzled box, and nearly jumped for joy when you realized you had picked up the key from within the mine cart. With a quick fumble, you firmly grasp the bronze piece before inserting it into the box, turning it, and revealing what was inside.
The shiny dark coat of fur felt soft in your touch when you unfurled the cloth in your hands to get a more full look at your winning prize. Thoughts ran through your head about how you were nearly at the end of your rope this time, yet you knew that your persistence was soon to pay off. You felt the energy rushing through you when you finally started your next transformation, bending and warping to the will of the costume. You cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure which echoed through the tunnels along with the other dully resonating voices.
Your senses began to block those noises out, as you started to feel yourself falling into the next body, your mind started to become empty, and your memories slowly began to occupy with the memories of whatever was to come next.
Written by Driftingdragon on 22 August 2020