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Stay Calm emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The moment you step outside is when you realized what the other bear meant with danger.


The spaceship-thing you’re inside before is on top of what seemed the top of the world.




The green meadow is a distance away from the ship. As the ship is surrounded by valleys. Again, literally. It’s a deep, endless pit, probably bottomless cliffs around this ship.


Exactly around it.


You’re falling into the cliff as soon as the door’s opened.


Well, they said that if you die in a dream then you’re going to wake up. Besides, if this is heaven, you can’t be dead, again. So, how about it?


Are you awaken yet after that excruciating pain you felt when your head was smashed onto the ground like a watermelon being smacked by a baseball bat, before everything turned black?


Written by kelingking2 on 04 May 2016

The end (for now)

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