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Hunt and then fly star star star halfstar emptystar

<br/>You find (and fatten, kill, and eat) a rabbit before you reach an updraught suitable to get you back into the air again. Mmm-mmm! Delicious; and the extra fat will be quite helpful, now that your flight is crippled to the point that you burn far too much energy flapping your stunted wings. And as a bonus, the pleasure of a comfortably filled stomach helps you ignore the uncomfortable dryness of your fishtail and belly and arms. At least 'uncomfortable' is as far as it goes for you; there are any number of aquatic, or even amphibian, species which die if they don't stay wet. <br/> <br/>Sadly, you soon reach the conclusion that aerial movement is just more trouble than it's worth, given the limitations of your current body. You're clearly built to swim—but you're reluctant to even think about that, for obvious reasons. Well, that leaves ground movement... hmmm. Your legs are rather short; even if you go on all fours, you won't be making good time. But you have the anthropomorphizing spell. Now that you're basically an otter, would that spell give you longer legs? It should be safe to cast, too, now that you're miles away from the magically-tainted lake! <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 03 November 2010

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