Gee, that's not obvious.
"Well, that looks good" you think to yourself. You open the can of soda, and start to down it. It's free so you don't even think twice about taking it out of the store with you, as you head home. Then, as you finish the cola, and throw the can away, you feel a strange electric tingling go down your spine, followed by... nothing. You continue on your way, undaunted by any strange occurrences. "That was good soda. I wonder why I haven't heard of it before? Maybe it's foreign."
Then, as you near your house, the same electric tingling shoots all over your skin. Thinking fast, you bolt home. As you burst through the front door to safety, you feel it get stronger on some places, and weaker in others. It was moving. A quick glance at your arm reveals emerald green scales are moving down your arms. It must be everywhere on you. You can even feel it moving up your face, and through your hair. "Great! What else can go wrong?"
Written by biffiea on 22 July 2007