In The Jungle, The Mighty Jungle
Maybe because you’re a bear that this wilderness felt like home. You looked around, sniffed around, tasted around, pretty much enjoying these senses an animal had extra strong compared with humans. Until you saw a pack of bears.
“I just had the wildest dream!” running toward them you said it. Nah, you didn’t step into their territory of anything, you’re sure. You’re one of them. Part of their family.
But you’re growling, though, if a human were to hear you right now. Well, of course you are. You’re a bear so you talked like a bear too when you met one of your kind. How can bears understand human language, right?
“I dreamed that I was a human!” those other bears laughed in amused growls after hearing you said that. You laughed along with them, laughing at your own silliness.
Yes, this thing about you being a human? That was just a long, weird dream that sometimes bears had.
You’re a bear from the start and you’ve just woken up from your hibernation.
Written by kelingking2 on 01 May 2016
The end (for now)