Transformation Mansion
There are many points in the mansion where you will change forms.
The more nights you spend in a form the more your behavior will reflect that form (also the longer you stay at a time the quicker your behaviour changes).
If you change forms your behavior will go to the current state of that form for you.
(e.g you are a tiger for 10 nights , become a dolphin for another 10 and become a tiger again. The tiger form behavior is still the same as is was when you become a dolphin)
You can only spend 30 consecutive nights or 90 total in a form before your behavior is totally that form's behavior.
Also after 300 nights in the mansion, you will become the form that you have spent the most of the last 300 days in (apart from the one you entered in) in its current state.
If any of the 3 previous situations (30 consecutive or 90 in one form or 300 nights total) occur you will then be teleported out of the mansion.
You may also leave at any time through any exit, except the one you entered in. You will leave the mansion in whatever your current state of mind and body
If you leave the mansion by any means you may not come back for 5 years.
To start you off you will receive a transformation into a...
Written by Catprog on 04 July 2004
You watch in a mirror as fur ripples down your body replacing your clothes.
Soon you are a full tiger
Written by on 04 July 2004
Go upstairs
You pad up the stairs marveling at how soft each step sounds.
When you get to the top you notice many doors.
Which one do you wish to go into?
Written by on 09 August 2004
The one with the tree chart on it
You go through the door.
You look back and find that the door has gone.
You are left with 2 doors.
A green one which has a picture of some trees.
And the other one which has a picture of an tiger.
Which one do you want?
Written by on 09 August 2004
The Tiger Door
You go through the door.
A loud voice booms welcome to the animal kingdom.
You look around and notice that all of the doors have the name of a phylum of the animal kingdom.
So what door are you going to choose?
Written by on 01 January 1970
The same voice booms "Welcome to the phylum of Chordate"
You notice the doors have the name of one of the classes of Chordate.
So which door do you choose?
Written by on 09 August 2004
Booming Voice: "Welcome to the Class of Mamillia"
The doors have written on them names of the orders of mammal. These are
- Monotremata: echidnas and platypus
- Didelphimorphia: New World opossums
- Paucituberculata: shrew opossums
- Microbiotheria: Monito del Monte
- Dasyuromorphia: marsupial carnivores
- Notoryctemorphia: marsupial mole
- Peramelemorphia: bandicoots and bilbies
- Diprotodontia: koalas, wombats, kangaroos, possums, etc.
- Xenarthra: sloths, anteaters, armadillos
- Pholidota: pangolins
- Rodentia: rrodents
- Lagomorpha: rabbits, hares, and pikas
- Macroscelidea: elephant shrews
- Primates: primates
- Scandentia: treeshrews
- Chiroptera: bats
- Dermoptera: colugos
- Insectivora: shrews, tenrecs, moles, hedgehogs, etc.
- Carnivora: dogs, cats, weasels, seals, etc.
- Tubulidentata: aardvark
- Hyracoidea: hyraxes
- Proboscidea: elephants
- Sirenia: manatees, dugong
- Perissodactyla: horses, tapirs, rhinoceroses
- Artiodactyla: even-toed ungulates
- Cetacea: whales
<li>Taken fromhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammal</li>
You spot a door that intrigues you so you go in.
The door
Written by underdrag on 29 April 2006
Booming Voice: "Welcome to the Class of Carnivora"
The doors have written on them names of the families of carnivora. These are
- Taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnivora
- Eupleridae : Malagasy carnivores
- Felidae: cats
- Herpestidae: mongooses and allies
- Hyaenidae: hyenas and aardwolf
- Nandiniidae: African palm civets
- Nimravidae: false sabre-tooths (extinct)
- Prionodontidae: Asiatic linsangs
- Viverridae: civets and allies
- Ailuridae: red panda
- Amphicyonidae: beardogs (extinct)
- Canidae: dogs and allies
- Mephitidae: skunks and stink badgers
- Mustelidae: weasels, martens, badgers, and otters
- Odobenidae: walruses
- Otariidae: sea lions, eared seals, fur seals
- Phocidae: true seals
- Procyonidae: raccoons and allies
- Ursidae: bears
Written by on 24 July 2006
"Welcome to the family for dogs and close relatives"
"Now you must pick a Genus "
Written by catprog on 26 December 2007
"Welcome to the Genus of Vulpes the genus of foxes now please pick a species†Says the voice
You see a series of doors with different species of foxes on them they read:
(Taken from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox)
Vulpes bengalensis
Vulpes cana
Vulpes chama
Vulpes corsac
Vulpes ferrilata
Vulpes lagopus (Arctic Fox)
Vulpes macrotis
Vulpes pallida
Vulpes ruppelli
Vulpes velox
Vulpes vulpes (Your standard red fox)
Vulpes zerda
Written by Hnhn on 11 November 2008
Too warm
You glance about the room as the door shuts behind you. It feels quite warm. Touching the wall, you realize that it isn't warm; you are. Looking at your hand you see it is rapidly growing fuzzy with white fur. It quickly spreads up your arm and you feel it growing on your chest, back, and legs. As the fur grows longer and thicker, hiding your skin, your change shape, forming pads and claws as they turn into paws. A thrust from your backside grows into a long tail, sprouting thick, bushy fur as it does so. Your clothes magically disappear as the dense, white fluff envelopes your entire body, creating a very warm coat. Your ears become pointed white triangles with the faintest black highlights at the tips, matching the barest black point at the top of your incredibly long and thickly furred tail. As your face becomes pointed and fox-like with a black nose and thickly tufted cheeks you realize you have also shrunk in size and weight. Though you are actually quite slender, your soft, full coat makes you appear plump, with your thickly furred feet and legs completing the fat image.
Taking a tentative step forward in your new form, you trip and fall. But the unbelievably thick fur absorbs the impact. Clumsily you roll on your back, and it feels like you are enveloped in a silky floating cocoon of warm luxurious white fur.
It's hard to not enjoy this feeling as you wiggle like a dog on his back who wants a belly rub, but you quickly realize it is too warm for you now.
Written by Nom on 02 March 2016