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He nods. "I see. That might have worked on me a few worlds ago... but I am a proper sphinx now. Do you have any clue on how to turn into a proper sphinx?"


You give him a blank look. "Why would I want to do that?"


He grins "I am quite lonely with no female sphinx around here." Ah. So he does feel something for you!


And... yes, thinking back, you were pretty arrogant and dismissive of other species when you were a sphinx yourself, weren't you? So it makes sense that he wouldn't allow himself to respond to a 'lesser' creature. But you didn't have any luck with undoing the changes back in the factory... hmmm... "I may be able to help you out," you say. "Let me check my notes, okay?" And with those words, you take off your backpack and spill its contents on your cell floor: Maps—you reach for Alterations Animalian—wait, what's that shiny thing? It's a necklace, fine, but when the heck did... you...


f course: It's the necklace that changed you into an armless sphinx. You weren't happy about it at the time, so why the hell... never mind, you must have put it in your pack while you were in heat (because if it wasn't that, you have no idea how it could have turned up here and now!). You're not entirely pleased with the idea of becoming a boring, stuffy old sphinx again... but the male looks (and smells!) so good, and if that's the only way he's willing to have you...

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 10 November 2010

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