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Whodunnit? star star star star emptystar

   You preen yourself experimentally as the sky fades linty grey and cool rain patters through the tree's waxy leaves.


   Questions fall as thickly as the droplets of cold water.


   Where are you? Where will you go now that you're avian? What exactly just happened here? As far as you can recall, you ate dinner last night, went to sleep, and woke up standing by this bloody tree. You didn't come here by yourself, so you must have been brought. Why bring you here, then? Was someone using you for a pawn, a tool of amusement? ...Or did you know something that someone wanted to keep secret, something someone who knew that animals couldn't talk wanted quiet, someone driven up against a wall, where abduction and subsequent bodily alteration was the only solution?


   What did you know that someone didn't want you to know?


   The answers are sparse as sunshine. You know your old neighbor goes through your trash sometimes looking for contraband--he's paranoid; maybe he came across some reality-warping item and had you at the top of his "get-rid-of" list. You ratted out some fellow employees for stealing ice cream some years ago, anonymously of course, but what if they found out your name, found someone to hex you, remove you from the workforce? Apart from that, you don't know many secrets at all.


   ...Or is it that you're being kept from knowing?


   One thing's for sure: if you're wanting to get to the bottom of this, it's time to start gathering clues.

Written by Mr.Peaches on 05 January 2007

Fly off in the search for clues.

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