In a room
The sign reads
"Welcome all new travellers.
To continue you must go through a series of doors.
After going through you will pick a costume. You will then become a half- human and half that creature.
After a week(100 mins a hour,20 hrs a day,10 days a week) has passed you may morph and get another costume. To start of with you will only be able to become 40% human to 60% human.
If you put on a costume you will then become that creature, be teleported to it's home town and have to wait a week before being able to morph.
After 50 costumes you may change into one of your other costumes and become 30% to 70% human. When changing costumes you must wait at least an hour before you can change costumes again.
100 different species/gender costumes allows you to gender-morph and become 20% to 80% human
200 different species costumes allows you to combine costumes and become 10% to 90% human
400 different species costumes allows you to return to your world with no more morphing
And 800 different species costumes makes a polymorph and allows you to morph outside of this world.
Also if you have a costume like a centaur then the human part will always be human and is counted towards the human percentage.
Any gender/species transformation magic of yours can only change your gender(if you have at least 100 costumes) and the animal part to a different animal.
When you change into a different costume (that you already have) you may teleport to that species home town but you will have the week penalty where you have no costume changes.
If you die while wearing a costume you will be reborn at the local inn (or appropriate location ). If you have more then 100 costumes you will lose the costume you had when you died and go to an appropriate place for your next costume.
If you fail to make it out in 100 years(100 weeks in a year) one of your possible forms will be chosen and you will be permanently stuck in that form(apart from magic) until you die. Also there will be no possibility of going back to your world.
Also, one final note: should you take a female form and become pregnant, you won't be able to change your gender until the child is born, though the other aspects of your form may change (the child will change to match.) That is all, and good luck!
You realise that you have to do what the sign said to do and go through the doors and grab a costume.
Alternatively you could use the key system to determine the room
Written by Catprog on 11 February 2004
Fictional Land
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are two more doors however and both of them have a sign on them saying
Costume room for
Element: Land
Type: Fictional
Gender: ????
So which door do you want
Written by Catprog on 01 January 1970
Female Fictional Land
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are five costumes in this room, all of them female, all of them are fictional land creatures.
- Uraby(yu-gi-oh)
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
The echoes of the door's closing reverberate around you, and you shiver in apprehension as you realize this is for real. Which, you suppose, means that there's only one way out of this: going with the flow.
The room you're in is a stone one, with a door out that faintly glows as though it's been magically enchanted to remain shut. The only part of the room that looks like it would be out of place in an Indiana Jones movie is a set of full-body mirrors that rests by the door, as though it's giving you a chance to look at what you've become before leaving.
You'd been told that putting on a costume was the way out of this, so you look around the room and
quickly scrounge up a set of costumes, from animal outfits to mythological creatures to... A Pokemon. It's a Fennekin suit, and though it was one clearly designed for a female, you can't help but feel a little intrigued by it.
You pull it out away from the other costumes, finding that it's a full outfit, complete with a slip-on mask. This in particular catches your interest, as it's just a face mask devoid of ears. You look around and find them separate, a pair of big and fluffy prosthetics that look like they clip onto each one of your ears.
Determined not to get the parts of this outfit mixed up with any other costume, you pull the components aside, stowing away everything that looks like it doesn't belong on a Fennekin. By the end of it all, you're left with shoes, gloves, leggings, a shirt, a tail, a mask, those ears... And even panties and a bra.
You see no way out of this but to start putting on the costume, so you decide to suck it up and strip
naked. In just a few minute's time, you're ready to start getting dressed. But what to put on first?
Of all of the clothes in this pile, you can't help but be intrigued by the ears the most. They look like the highest quality, like something fit for a feature film! A smile spreads its way across your face as you grab each of the fluffy ears in your hands, moving to slip on your right ear first.
It's actually comfy, just like an earmuff! The soft fur around your ear feels perfect, and you can't help but move as quickly as you can to slip the other costume bit over your left ear. Your heart picks up a little as you do this, and you smile at how it seems to fit you perfectly, just like the other one did.
Then the ears begin to move, and with a yelp of surprise, you realize that you can actually feel them moving, just like they were a part of you. Your ears tingle as they fuse with the costume ears, and a shiver trails down your spine as you feel them move up your head.
Your hands fly to the costumed pieces, and you run to the mirror to find that sure enough, your ears lie high atop your head. They're covered in a soft and lush set of hairs, and you're filled with the impulse to pet them and comb your fingers through them... Especially the long and bushy orange hairs that extend out through your ears, making you feel like they're constantly full of cotton.
You pet them in disbelief, feeling the inside of your ears tingle as you tug at the hairs gently. A quiet gasp escapes your lips, yet despite its faintness you hear it perfectly. You realize that your vision has changed, and you can't help but feel a little impressed by how effective the costume is.
Your ears twitching, you look back to the rest of the costume pieces, wondering what next to put on...
Putting on a pair of costumed ears made your ears change into a Pokemon's, so logically the bra should give you breasts, right? You pick up the cotton bra, anxiously checking around yourself to make sure that nobody's in the room.
It seems a little silly to be worried about such things given the circumstances, but you can't help but worry that someone will judge you as a deviant for putting this on, even though it's just a part of the costume.
You gulp to yourself and steel your resolve, tugging the straps over your arms and holding onto the bra's cups with each hand. Whoever designed this must have had men in mind, for the clasp is on the front of your bra, making it easy for you to put it on.
After a moment's hesitation, you gulp and fasten the clasp. You've already put it on this much, so you might as well go all the way... Your heart begins to race in your chest in anticipation of the change, and you're not left waiting for long.
Your chest begins to tingle as a pair of soft mounds begin to swell up from beneath your skin, stretching out into what could only be breasts. You gasp once, only to gasp again as you notice that your voice sounds oddly... Different.
A look back to the mirror tells you why. Not only does your reflection tell you that you're growing a set of large breasts, but your cheeks are slimming; your sides pulling in to give you almost an hourglass figure. It's like the bra is changing all of your upper body, and even your hair is subject to this latest change.
You feel your hair begin to lengthen on your head, as though ever individual strand of hair is lengthening past your pores, and you can feel them brushing against your transformed ears. Then the hairs even begin to change in color, becoming a vibrant red-orange, one that matches the long and tufted strands of fur that have poofed their way out from your ears.
Before you can so much as process this, you feel the cool air of the room around your breasts, and you look down in surprise to see that the bra is fading away, vanishing like a special effect from an old movie.
Unbelievable as it seems, you now have the upper body of a woman, though everything below your waist is still undeniable male. You gulp and look back to the pile, wondering if any of the other costume pieces will result in such a drastic change.
There's no time like the present to find out, and so you reach for...
The underwear, of course. As embarrassing as it is to wear feminine underwear, it's somehow a natural choice to put these on. It feels incredibly awkward to have a feminine upper body with the lower body of a man, so you gulp anxiously and pick up the cotton garb, slipping it slowly up your hips anxiously.
Once again the clothing feels like it's been perfectly tailored to fit you, and a squeak passes your plush lips as you look down, feeling the fabric press against your groin. Your heart pounds as you look to the mirror, seeing the panties hold that unmistakable bulge of your crotch.
Then the bulge begins to deflate before your very eyes, your penis tingling as it begins to draw back
inside of you, making you moan with sensation. You try and pull the panties out to look at what's happening, but it's like they're a part of you, fusing with your skin.
Just like with the bra, the panties begin to fade away, and as they do your hips flare out, your legs slimming. You look to the mirror and to yourself in mute shock as your new groin comes fully into view, complete with a vagina nestled between your legs. Soft scarlet strands of hair curl around it, matching the new hair atop your head, and you breathe out a slow sigh as you watch the last of the changes make their way across your lower body, leaving you as an attractive woman with the ears of a Fennekin.
What you put on next is a logical choice from here...
You figure that since you're changing into an anthropomorphic Pokemon, you might as well try out being a Poke-girl while you're on the way. You've already got the ears, so you might as well try out the tail while you're at it.
Despite your confidence, your hands shake a little as you grab the appendage, trembling at the thought of it becoming a part of your body. It's long, furry, and has no sign of a means to fasten it to your body. There's no plug, no belt, nothing... But you get the impression that if you put it against your tailbone, then change will find a way.
Sure enough, as you place the furry object against your backside, you feel a sharp tingling; then you
realize that you can feel the tail in your hands. It's just like the costumed ears; this tail is now a part of your body!
Unlike the ears, however, you retain a good deal of control over the long and bushy limb, and you twitch it appreciatively, a smile slowly forming across your face at how nice it feels. You hadn't expected that simply having a tail could be pleasurable, but now that it's attached to you, you feel oddly warm and playful.
And with good reason, too! The tail is so big and bushy; it's practically the size of your own body! You smile and stroke it gently, playing with it for a few moments until you remember where you're at, and what you have yet to do.
The pile of clothes still rests where you left it, even if it is noticeably diminished. You look at them with a
furrowed brow, then you nod as you decide what to put on next.
You decide to get all of the fur done in one go, stuffing your feet into the bottoms of the leggings as you slip the bottom hem of the shirt over your head. After a moment of fidgeting to get your legs half through the tights and your oversized ears through the shirt's collar, you yank the shirt down past your breasts and tug the pants up past your hips, making them meet a little under your navel.
As soon as the fabric touches, it fuses with itself. It's like the shirt and pants have become one, and you let out a small gasp in surprise as you realize that you're now wearing a one piece. Then, an instant later, you find that one piece is now as much a part of you as the rest of the costume, your skin having become a Pokemon's hide, covered in lush golden fur.
It actually looks really sexy on you, and you find yourself blushing under your fur as you run your fingers through it. It's just the perfect length to be pet, not long enough to get tangled, and yet not short enough to keep yourself from running your fingers through it.
It was a quick change, but one that looks really good on you, and you smile as you look to the pile of costume pieces, deciding on what to put on next...
This time you don't want to move so quickly in your changes. After all, how often do you get the chance to see human feet become a good deal more animalistic?
You look down to your feet as you slip on each of the slippers, then shudder as a strange feeling courses through your body, emanating from your feet. A quick glance tells you all you need to know: your feet are now a cross between human feet and Fennekin paws.
While the Pokemon's feet lack any toes, you've retained three of yours, though they're swollen just like a fox's feet. You wiggle them apprehensively, shivering at the strange absence of your big toe and pinky toe. Your feet don't feel any different, and yet that's perhaps the most unsettling part of this change: unless you think about it, it's like you've always been this way.
To get your mind focused on something a little less off-putting, you look to the bottom of your feet, finding that you have golden paw pads beneath the fur on your feet. They cover your soles just like slippers, letting you walk barefoot without so much as an inkling of discomfort.
You swallow anxiously, then look back to the last two pieces of the costume, wondering what to put on next, but only for a moment...
After the changes to your feet, you're a little unsure of what will happen if you put on the gloves or the mask. But it wouldn't make any sense if the costume's gloves would prevent you from putting on more of the costume and completing your change, right? That would make the mask the most drastic change of all, and you'd rather hold off on that for as long as possible.
You nod to yourself with a faint chuckle, resolving your mind. Before you can rethink your decision, you've tugged both of the gloves over your hands, marveling at how light they feel against your skin. It's like there's nothing on your hands at all, and that you're really this furry!
The light material of the gloves makes you start to wonder if your hands really have changed, and you experimentally tug on some of the fur to find that the action hurts, like someone was tugging on your hair!
You yelp in surprise, but smile with relief. It looks like though the costume has left you with three toes, whoever designed it had a five-fingered form in mind. This makes it much easier for you to put on the mask, and you let out a faint sigh of relief, looking to the last aspect of the costume for you to wear.
You swallow anxiously, then...
There's only one thing left for you to do, and you might as well get it over with now. You grip the mask tightly in your hands, heading to the mirror to get a good look at what's going to happen to you. This mask looks like the cheapest part of the costume by far, without any depth to the muzzle that's simply painted on.
But if there's one thing that today has taught you, it's that looks can be deceiving. You gulp as you look into the mirror, then press the mask against your face, gasping in surprise as it seems to mold itself to your features, flowing across your skin as though it's now liquid.
A look to the mirror only reinforces this perception of yours, and you let a faint mewl of surprise escape your lips as they begin to darken to the rubbery lips of a canine. They're not the only thing to darken on your face, and your hands fly to your nose as it becomes black and spongy, flattening out on your face to become a cute button that's fit for a snout.
As though the transformation is hearing your thoughts, your jaw begins to ache dully, like someone's gently tugging on it. You can see why as you turn your head, watching in shock as your face begins to stretch out into a muzzle. Your heart begins to race as your fingers press against your white-furred cheeks, and you work your new mouth gently, wondering if you'll still be able to speak as normal.
Before you can so much as try, your tongue flattens out in your muzzle, and your hand is pushed slightly away from your face as long and white whiskers shoot out from your cheeks, growing longer and longer. In just seconds it's like you're wearing two piles of fluff on your cheeks, and you pat at the bushy hairs in wonder, amazed that the change has affected even this.
After a few more pets than you'd like to admit, you return your gaze to the mirror, finding a golden-eyed furry Fennekin looking back at you. Your hand flutters over your ample bosom, feeling the soft and lush fur of your chest, and you gasp. "Is this me?"
A delicate feminine voice escapes your dark canine lips, and you squeak faintly, blushing beneath your thick white fur. You hadn't expected to sound so... feminine! "Wow... This is really real, huh?" You say, simply for the sake of hearing more of your own voice.
There's a strange lilt to your words, as though you're speaking with an accent that you can't quite place. It's either from your muzzle or from a subtle change to your mind, and you shudder at the thought of the latter. Just how much power do these costumes hold? And what on earth will you become after this?
Your ears twitch for a moment, then you purse your lips, looking at the gorgeous girl in the mirror. Never mind that. That's for the future. For now, you're a Fennekin-girl, and you should spend some time in this body to get to know it.
Mind made up, you look to the door beside the mirror, just in time to see it unlock itself. A few minutes ago you'd have been shocked at the casual display of magic, but now? Now this is just a common event in your life.
Unsure of what you'll find, you walk through the door, leaving the other costumes and your old clothing behind.
Written by SketchySeraph on 31 December 2015
Door Hallway
You leave out of the only way out from here. With the doors behind you closed, you are forced to press forward. Now you find yourself in a room of empty white. There are no clear dimensions around you in this blank emptiness. The only visible things you can see are a series of doors.
One appears to be like that of a paper slide door decorated in cherry blossoms. Another is a normal door with a pokéball engraved on the viewer. The others are clocked in shadow.
The door behind you has disappeared--there is no way back yet. Best to decide where to go.
Written by wrathofautumn on 13 April 2018
Pokeball Door
After much debate, you proceed to enter though the Pokeball engraved door. There is a brief flash of light, engulfing your senses as you enter through. Eventually, your sight returns and you find yourself in the middle of a garden. Or perhaps it is a young forest. As you take a few steps to observe your surroundings closer, you can see buildings in the background. A metal bar barricade surrounds you. Pokemon and humans run all around you underneath a great blue sky. Based on your experience with pokemon in the past, you appear to find yourself inside a contemporary world of Pokemon. Whether it is based on the television show, the video games, or something else entirely, you cannot say.
One thing you notice as you walk around looking for a way out or at least asking around is that everyone is giving you odd looks as if you’re someone of suspicion. Nobody seems outright surprised that you are walking about as you are, but then you’re still getting treatment of an unwelcome guest or a stray dog. You’re not quite sure what you did to deserve such a reception. When you pass by a couple other pokemorphs in the park besides yourself, you find other humans generally ignoring them or treating them with indifferences. Perhaps some further insight from some locals can tell you more on what is going on.
Suddenly, you hear the sound of struggling in a nearby brush. Your ears perk to attention. Whatever it is, it draws you closer to the source, your footpaws carrying you on the grass softly without giving yourself away. Hiding inside the shrubs, you look out ahead of you to spot a young man being harassed by a pair of hooligans. The hooligans stand over him as they kick them with their boots, some kind of weapons in their hands. Based on how they are dressed, they resemble something close to Team Plasma following the insurrection within their own ranks, specifically those who were still loyal to the Puppet Master behind N’s determination and crusade.
“Stop, please!” The human pleads on the ground.
“Shut up, traitor. You know we don’t tolerate any supporters of him.” The more brutish of the two said.
The other member, not taking pleasure in this, rolls his eyes as he nudges his partner, “This really isn’t necessary. Let’s just leave him alone or send the message and get out of here.”
As the two debated, the human then pulled two of his own weapons—a pair of semi-automatic handguns. This caught both off-guard and immediately a Mexican standoff was about to ensue. Someone who hears all this is likely to contact the police. You consider that as well, but you feel that you can get more done if you take personal action yourself and put a stop to this. How do you protect this man, however? Should you make use of your power or try and reason with the baddies? You must think quickly!
Written by wrathofautumn on 19 April 2018
You make the decision to beat some sense into them. You figure as a pokemorph, you have the power to defend yourself and protect others. Before tensions get too much, you step out of the brush, drawing everyone’s attention. The two Plasma Grunts turn their attention at you, weapons drawn.
“Who’s she? Was she here listening to us the whole time?” The leaner grunt said.
“Get out of here, freak. This doesn’t concern you,” The taller grunt says.
A freak? Now that was just pushing it too far! You cross your arms and stand your ground as you say to them, “You’re the ones who’re getting out of here. Leave that man alone!”
The two look at each other and, to your surprise, and just laugh. What was so funny about what she said? The taller one said, “A pokegirl like you? You don’t seem like much of a battler to me. What exactly do you intend on doing about it?”
They would regret that. Your first thought was immediately to torch them for that, but your were also in a park surrounded by trees and grass. Then part of you remembered that when you were human, you were actually quite skilled at fighting. You take off your shoes and walk up to them calmly.
“Hey, what are you…why did you just take off your shoes?” The leaner grunt asked, lowering his weapon.
“So I don’t break your noses when I kick them!” You shout out as you then do a surprise roundhouse to the face. The taller grunt points his weapon at you which gives the hostage enough time to kick him in the knee, causing him to fall down hard. With both of them knocked down, he pulls their guns out of their reach , catching his breath.
When the two get back up, they rub their injuries before they pull out a pair of pokéballs, their eyes alight with murderous intent. “The heck with this! We’ll settle this the old fashioned way, little fox girl!”
The sound of sirens can be heard in the distance. It seems word travelled quickly about the hustle. If these grunts stuck around for much longer, they would both be finding themselves in some serious crap.
“This isn’t over!” The bigger grunt said as he runs off into the distance, disappearing into manhole cover down below. His partner just stares at you before he follows after him, likely not wanting to be left behind for the fuzz to take him. The two of them were both gone by the time the police arrived. After a few questions and some clarification, they head back to the station with you and the human alone in the park.
“Thank you for rescuing me, I would’ve been dog meat if not for you. Not bad for a pokegirl…that’s not racist, is it?” He says sharply, but then sees your confused look. “How about we go find a nice place to eat? Get some poffins or ramen?”
Written by wrathofautumn on 26 April 2018
Follow The Human
“That sounds very nice, thank you!” You say, your cheeks flushing underneath your fur. It is strange to have a man come up to and offer to take you somewhere. Not that you mind, however—you find it very fitting as a reward for saving his life. Is this supposed to be something like a date, then?
The man you rescued looks at you oddly. “Well, that’s strange. I half expected you to be more aggressive. You did handle those Plasma grunts pretty good. I would think you’d be a bit less trusting of strangers.”
Your ears flatten at this. “Really? I don’t think I’m that shallow…”
The man laughs again. “Don’t worry about it. I think it’s kind of cute! Er, in a Pokemorph kind of way, I—anyway, let’s go. I know a good place we can get some food. Don’t worry, it’s on me.”
You follow the man contently as he takes you to a place where they serve humans and pokemorph food. While you are there, he has you caught up on a few things. First, you find out his name is Mannus and that Team Plasma’s been giving him trouble. He quickly tells you not to worry about it but not urges you to be more careful. When you ask him why, he lets you in on current events and the state of things.
Pokemorphs are not first-class citizens to humans in this world. They were a byproduct in Unova as a result of the experiments of a ex-Plasma Scientist named Colress. He seeked to find the deepest potential of pokemon and humans alike and genetic therapy allowed him to see his ambitions blossom. That was about twenty years ago. Pokemorphs were kept a secret to the public until photos by Activists called for their liberation. Now while the public slowly grows to tolerate the existence of these new beings, the genetic process to create others has gone underground and considered a taboo.
The struggle for equal rights has been a battle that has been going on for some time, upheld by both Pokemorphs and Sympathists alike who face discrimination constantly. The opposition is heavy against them—it’s a stark reminder of the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s and onward. It’s a miracle nothing happened to you when you arrived. Upon learning this, however, you resolve to make the most of your time in this world and prove you can be whoever you want to be.
Two weeks pass. By now, you have become quite accustomed to the world you live in, fully acquainted to the rules and regulations. You know where pokemorphs can go, what they can do, where they can sit, sleep and eat. It’s all outrageous, but you believe that you can make a difference . You have spent the time helping others and making yourself known. Now, tonight under the fullmoon in your personal lodging, you find a familiar door appear in your room. It’s the door back home. Do you dare turn back now and undo what your worked so hard on before?
Written by wrathofautumn on 06 May 2018
You see the door appear, but you find yourself not interested. You don’t want to leave yet. This world is not a perfect place, but it can be made for the better. This you’re sure of. If you stayed long enough, surely you could make a difference. The important thing to remember was never to give up.
As if in response to your desire to not leave yet, the door begins to fade. There’s no time for second thoughts as it disappears completely. It seems that you’ll be stuck for much longer, if not forever. Was that a test of some kind? Before you can think about it for very long, you feel your body start to tingle with power. What’s this power that is coming over you?
The first thing that you notice is that your body is starting to grow in size. It’s not by a whole lot, but you do feel your clothes tighten on you by a couple sizes. You feel energy going through your muscles as you feel much stronger than before—faster, too. You look in the mirror to see your growing body in the mirror, noting how your eyes become far less cutesy and gain a more serious glare to them. Then there was your tail—it now lengthened and gained more bushel to it. It was exceptionally thick near the base—you could practically fit something in there.
You haven’t the faintest idea what was happening to you. It couldn’t be a second puberty. Then as the changes continue to wash over you, a thought occurred to you that you were possibly evolving! Pokemon were known to evolve when they had gained enough experience. Your time here in this world felt too brief for that, but you welcomed these new changes coming over to you. To just think that if you had chosen to leave, you might not have gotten to experience this second phase in your transformation.
Looking closely in the mirror, you can see that your ears have grown much larger than usual and the ear hair was now lengthening to the point of being longer than your ears, curling out in waves like fire. Your fingers become more dexterous and slender than in your previous form, and the fur turns from a pale fiery yellow to chalk white. The fur on your legs, meanwhile, blackens down to your feet. Your nose itself begins to lose its black color, eventually turning a cute rosy hue. You’re too distracted by the new fur patterns on your body, however.
Your find that your mouth is beginning to feel a little funny. As your run your tongue against it, you find that your teeth have lost a lot of their almost infantile status. You can feel them beginning to become sharper and stronger, much closer to that of an adult. Your feet fly out of the shoes you had been using since you came to this new world, making them look more digitigrade. Balance is an issue, finding yourself falling over. You have to learn to walk on the balls of your feet this time. Eventually, though, you are quick to adapt to it.
As you dance across the floor, you let out an excited laugh, finding that even your voice has changed a bit, now having a much more mature tone to it. Your hair then grows out a bit more until it’s as low as your lower back. You take some braids to pull the bangs out of your eyes as you feel your lips become more luscious to behold. The fur on your hips now thickens into thick cuffs, making it looks as though you have a furry skirt on underneath your clothes, another cuff forming on your chest and perfectly visible from your shirt collar.
You can feel the changes on your body start to slow down finally, but not before your feel a change to your mind. Your mind seems to expand, parts of it never used before now being tapped. It hurts to really think about it. As you clutch your head, you think about making darker in here. The curtains suddenly move in response. Curiously, you think about opening them and they part to unveil the moon. After trying it with other objects, you find that you can move things with the smallest of ease. You appear to now be a psychic type! Something was still missing though…
Walking outside briefly, you search a nearby tree for anything of use. You find a small branch about as long as your forearm. Concentrating hard, you eventually feel smoke and embers froth at the tip before it bursts into a controlled flame. Satisfied, you fit your controlled focus item into your tail and hurry back inside, admiring your new body. You are no longer a Fennekin but a Braixen. It is strange but you welcome the new changes wholeheartedly. Perhaps you would be able to fit into this world and make a difference, after all.
The following day, relieved that your lodging hadn’t been set on fire, you set out to find some work for yourself. Given the world and setting you’re in, your choices are a bit limited. During your job searching, you find at least three places that are looking to hire. The first place is a high-class and elegant mansion with expansive plantations and luxurious rooms and hallways. The second place is a circus that had just moved into town the day before. Lastly, but finally, is a Pokemorph Public Service and Careers center made specifically for Pokemorphs to find jobs that are more closely tied to their pokemon roots.
You don’t seem to have many options right now. The jobs they would offer would probably not be the most dignified or positions you were qualified or suited for, but rent was due soon and the landlord wasn’t going to go easy on you. The question then is which one did you want to go to? Where would you go to find work?
Written by wrathofautumn on 21 May 2018
You enter the mansion and take a grand look at all this place has to offer. The center of the room has an entertainment that looks more like a gamer’s tournament stadium with HD Televisions, cutting edge PC Towers, several consoles, and various lights and a smoke screen generator. Every bedroom is built like a master bedroom and every bathroom is like its own miniature spa. The kitchen is built like a miniature restaurant with a dining room large enough to accommodate a few hundred people. Indeed, all these must be great…for the humans, anyway. Any pokemorphs you see are all put to work as servants or housemaids, cleaning up after their employers.
You are soon confronted by a Espeon Morph dressed in rather elegant clothes. He asks you to follow him to the real owner of the home. The actual owner is a tall, lanky man with the demeanor of someone most important. He had a smooth mane of black hair rolled back with gel and a crooked, beak like nose. He is about to pull out a cigarette before he sees you and immediately puts it a way. Clearing his throat, he waves at you to come inside.
“Forgive me. Ah! Do come in, my darling,” He said, waving his hand at the Espeon. “You may go, Roland. See if my pet desires anything.”
Roland bows graciously before walking out the hallway, leaving the two of you together. The man paces about inspecting you closely. It makes you nervous seeing him stare at you like that. Then he says, “I hope that Roland was courteous to you. I don’t tolerate rudeness, not even from my human servants. What brings you here to my humble abode?”
“I’m here to apply for a job. I heard you were hiring help,” You respond.
The man frowns at this, “Are you sure that this is the right place for someone like you?”
Your ears perk to attention, asking in sudden annoyance, “What does that mean?”
“I would watch your tone. I simply meant that you appear to be more of a combatant.”
You think quickly to explain this and say, “Oh, I am a rather physical girl. I have been training to defend myself, but I’m sure that you have security for that. I know I can trust you to protect me, right?”
“You assume correctly. You seem ideal for Gardening. However…”
The man leaned against his desk crossing his arms, “I am looking for two positions to fill out. I will let you choose between what fits you more. I could use either a Gardener for the Berries I grow outside or a housemaid—specifically one to care for my son’s needs. So long as you abide by my rules and etiquette, I may hire you on at a wage within reason. If these terms are acceptable, then choose.”
You nod quietly, your mind quickly thinking about the options weighed out to you. This is quite the choice. Which two services seem to fit you more?
Written by wrathofautumn on 27 May 2018
You make the decision to become a housemaid. You are given a housekeeping uniform and are given tasks to do for your employer, Mr. Swanson, based on his son’s needs, Edric Swanson. While under their employ, you become acquainted with the other Pokemorphs and see the underlying treatment they receive as servants. You are not ill-treated, yourself, but perhaps they’re lenient to you for personal reasons. Part of you feels like this is a waste of your talents—even moreso since you have no need to protect yourself or fight. Still, you remain optimistic and faithful towards the Swansons desires.
You stick to completing your tasks, however. Several weeks pass under your employ when you discover a new face being hired on as part of the employ here in the Mansion. More importantly, Mr Swanson says he is to be trained under you. When you come to welcome him into your personal taskforce, however, you find that he is a rather familiar face.
“Mannus!” You exclaim, running up to hug the human but stop yourself. You remain stoic and dutiful in front of Mr. Swanson. When they’re gone, the two of you embrace each other.
“I haven’t seen you In forever. I thought you forgot all about me,” You say.
“I’ve been in hiding. They’re still after me,” He said looking about nervously. “I can’t let them catch me, no matter what. If they found me here, would you stand up for me? Would you come to protect me like before?”
Written by wrathofautumn on 03 June 2018
“Of course I’ll protect you,” You say. “I won’t let any harm come to you.”
“Thanks. You’re a true friend,” Mannus says, picking up some cleaning supplies to start tidying up the wall next to you, “I’m surprised that you’re a housemaid.”
“I’ve been hearing that a lot,” You respond back. “I like it here, though. Mr. Swanson and his son are very nice to me and the others are all very supportive of the work I do.”
“You’re a bit too proactive for this, though. Even for housework,” Mannus said, “I think you’d make a much better fighter, personally.”
You take a mental note of what he said. For now, the two of you focus on your work and orientation. Soon, you manage to get Mannus acquainted with the entire house and break him in for his regular duties, all while secretly loving each other’s company. It doesn’t last forever, though. On the following Saturday, there’s a loud crashing noise that attracts your attention.
Standing in the doorway are two familiar faces. It was the two Team Plasma grunts you had encountered over a month ago. They wore their uniforms still and carried those weapons you saw them threatening Mannus with. They’re holding a gun out at Mr. Swanson and Mannus, several servants lined up against the walls.
“We’re just here for him,” The big guy grunted, pointing their gun at Mannus. “Let us take him out and we can forget this whole thing,”
“You’re not going anywhere,” Mr. Swanson warned them. “I’ve already triggered the silent Alarm. The police will be here any second now.”
“Don’t do this for me, Mr. Swanson,” Mannus said, standing firm. “Leave them alone, Burke. Ernest. I’m the one you want.”
The two of them nod and step in to grab them when you step inbetween them, holding your hands out. They both pause and look at you curiously before the brutish one, Burke, suddenly laughs.
“Hey, I remember you. You were that Fennekin girl who kicked our butts to kingdom come. Well, try and stop us this time!”
You find that the two of them now point their guns at different people. One of them aims their gun over your shoulder, towards Mannus. The other is aiming for Mr. Swanson himself. Even with your power, there’s no time to save them both. You’ll have to choose which one of them to protect.
Written by wrathofautumn on 09 June 2018
Save Mannus
You choose to stand your ground and protect Mannus. Ernest fires his gun which shoots out a ray of energy, aiming directly for you. However, upon reaching you, a psychic barrier absorbs the energy completely. Whatever the Plasma Grunt was trying to accomplish failed. You breathe a sigh of relief as Mannus is unharmed. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for your employer.
Burke discharges an energy blast which causes Mr. Swanson to go down with a sudden shock and collapse to the floor. Your ears perk up in alarm, immediately running up to your employer to check if he’s all right. He appears fine, but something is happening.
His body seems to refine itself, underneath you. It does not seem to lose or grow in size, but merely seems to be adjusting itself. As you lay your hands on him, you can feel his muscles underneath. You can feel the energy coiling inside them, demanding to be sprung out. Something writhes out from underneath his coat, worming its way out and lengthening before curling at the tip. It’s very reminiscent of that of a Meowth’s tail…or perhaps a Persian? It’s hard to say either way, but you soon find yourself distracted by the growing ears, round and twitching.
He looks up at you with strange new eyes. They’ve become feral and insidious, despite his gentle disposition to you as you try and help him out. As you hold onto his hand, you gaps as his nails fall out and are quickly replaced with hooked, retractable claws. He asks you what is happening, but you find you are unable to respond to his question as crème fur spreads along his hands and his face. The tip of his nose turns dark and fleshy, resembling something familiar and feline. The fact that Meowth has no nose immediately ruled it out. Mr. Swanson must have been becoming a Persian!
Your boss now complains there is something off about his teeth. As he puts a finger inside, he gasps and pulls it out immediately, commenting on how much sharper his teeth now were. He looks at his hands and gasps. Pink padding has begun to swell on both his palms. You’re unable to keep a hold on him as he falls over and freaks out, screaming at the top of his lungs. He then begins howling in discomfort as his shoes swell out, ready to burst at any minute. You take the initiative to remove them, letting his new feet grow out before they destroyed his footwear.
“What on earth is happening?” Mr. Swanson gasped, looking in utter horror as the fur spreads to his face. He glares up at the two Plasma Grunts with an angry look, “What did you just do to me?!”
“That was a Mutagen Ray, courtesy of dear Colress,” Burke responded, twirling the gun. “Turns people into Pokemorphs. Quite unpredictable, actually. Never know what a person’ll turn into.”
“No, you can’t do this to me! You’ve turned me into a freak! I’ll be ruined!” Mr. Swanson crawled up to them, holding his handpaws to beg. “Please, I’ll pay you anything! I’ll do anything!”
“It’s a little late for that,” Ernest grumbled.
“Exactly what he said,” Burke nodded. “You had your chance, now you get your proper reward.”
“No! Noooo!” Mr. Swanson said crumbling to the floor. He was certainly taking this very poorly. Still, part of you feels sorry for him as you kneel down and comfort your boss. His whiskers have grown in much like his new feline muzzle and furcoat. What had once been a somewhat snooty rich man was now a pathetic Persian Morph, lamenting over the loss of what he treasured most—his humanity.
It isn’t long before the police barge in. The Plasma Grunts try to escape but are cutoff by Edric and the other servants. After their arrest, Mr. Swanson contemplates his situation.
“What am I to do? Where will I go?” Mr. Swanson asked, “I am no longer recognized as a citizen. My wealth is to be repossessed and distributed. I am to be evicted from my own house. How could this happen to me? I have lost everything.”
As you contemplate this new situation, you look from behind you and see a familiar sight. That old door has once again appeared, this time built into the wall. Once again, it appears you’re being offered a way out of here. Do you dare leave all this behind and start all over?
Written by wrathofautumn on 14 June 2018
“You still have us,” You say, waving to the other servants. “You still have all of us.”
The other servants, humans and pokemorphs alike, all come in closer in agreement. It didn’t matter whether they had been paid or not. They had all served Mr. Swanson and his family for many years, faithfully and through both good times and bad. There was still such a thing as loyalty. As you all embrace together, you watch as the door behind you fades away. As the dimensions dim, you find that you begin to glow.
“I’m…I’m evolving again!” You exclaim. Everyone around you gives you room as you feel power surge through your body. They all watch in awe as your form reshapes into one final evolution.
You find that your body grows taller in size, your frame and muscle mass changing to catch up with the rest of you. Despite this, you only feel slightly physically stronger. It is your mind that seems to increase in strength. Your eyes become weathered and wise as you look around you, perceiving the world with new insight and intuition. Your tail itself grows even long and bushier, now clearly capable of wrapping around your legs.
Your ears now grow to insane proportions, the hair inside now larger and spanning a boasting four foott span from ear to ear. The fur coat on your body becomes thicker, denser. It takes on the texture and pattern of flowing spellcaster robes. They make your clothes incredibly uncomfortable to wear as they tighten ever so on your body. Your handpaws have now finished their development to fully dexterous four fingered handpaws, capable of holding tightly to your fiery wand. The padding on them thickens and becomes more complete, the fur on your hands going from white to a dark black.
“Ah! A Delphox!” Mannus said with a hint of amazement and pride. “You’ve achieved your final evolution!”
“Just don’t set the house on fire,” One of the servants said, causing a few to burst out in friendly chuckles. The crisis their master had been facing has been completely forgotten to view the spectacle that is your ascension.
You look at the front of your nose as it become more pointed at the tip, your teeth rearranging and reshaping on the inside of your jaws as they finalize into what could be considered your adult phase. Though you know that you can speak quite clearly, you feel it is a waste of energy. Your mind has expanded far enough that you can communicate simply from using your mind. As the fur on your legs thickens, your clothes burst off of you, except for your shirt. As you look down, you find that you can’t even see your feet or toes any more.
<Can you all hear me?> You think aloud. At once, everyone looked around and in the air.
“Did someone say something?” Roland asked.
“I heard something,” Mannus said. “In my head.”
“We all just heard it,” Edric said. “It’s our friend here. She’s using her psychic powers to talk to us. How do you feel?”
<I feel…absolutely amazing!> You admit, but speak no more. Your changes were only at the midway point.
Your hair grows even longer now, now touching the floor with your tail. It is only a minor issue however. If you concentrate hard enough, you can gain a remote viewing of your surroundings from a perspective outside of your eyes. You can see everyone around you—more importantly, you can see the back of your own head. Thinking closely, you focus on managing it, braiding and fashioning it to where it looks rather regal, like that of a noble lady. Your furcoat is now all but complete on your body now as you gain the look of a royal sorcerer, flaming wand in hand.
<I think my changes are almost done,> You say to everyone.
The transformation process is indeed beginning to slow—your evolution is nearly complete. All that is needed are a few minor changes. The fur patterns on your body finalize and change to that of a Delphox instead of a braixen. Your muzzle grows out a bit longer, looking far more vulpine on your face as the fur sprouts out on your cheeks. Your tongue also lengthens out to match the new size of your mouth, though you do not open it to speak. As the light fades all about you, you twirl around with your flowing fur, signifying your changes to that of a Delphox Morph.
“You’re…you’re beautiful,” Mr. Swanson whispers, standing back up slowly on his new feet. You stand as tall as your master. He is utterly aghast at your true form fully recognized, but your mind tells you it is much more than that. His heartbeat has increased and his body heat rises just from beholding you. This doesn’t bother you in the least as he approaches you and wraps a handpaw around yours. “My dear…I never realized it before this day...I never knew it before, but I knew there was a reason I had hired you. Though no one is here in my service anymore, they all stay with me. This must be fate that has brought you to me. Though my wife has long since passed on, I’ve waited for another like you to appear. Please, I ask of you—marry me and I will do my best to make you happy.”
You are not sure at first what to say of this. You can tell that he is mostly utterly sincere when he says it. The future is unclear to you—you cannot be certain what awaits you on the horizon. You do not possess the power of precognition. You know, however, that Mr. Swanson has been very kind to you during your time as a housemaid. There was always a part of him that liked you, and you felt a part of you that loved him back. To be offered a handpaw in marriage like this makes your own heart flutter. You feel the urge to speak with you own mouth, hearing your mature, aged voice ring in the air.
“Of course, I will marry you,” are the last words your say before the two of you kiss.
Written by wrathofautumn on 20 June 2018
Marry Him
“Of course, I will marry you,” are the last words your say before the two of you kiss.
The wedding seems almost short but sweet. You are wedded together with Mr. Swanson in holy matrimony. You can still hear the bells ringing in your ears as you flew down the aisle, bouquet in your handpaws. With your new husband’s new lack of funds, a simple church was all he could afford to do. It didn’t matter that you had a grand wedding. You were surrounded by peers and friends, humans and pokemorphs alike. Everyone you met in this life, everyone you left an impression on, was there to celebrate this happy union. You can’t remember a time where you ever happier.
Even after your wedding, there was still so much work to be done. The world was still prejudiced towards Pokemorphs and you would be faced with many hardships along the way. It would’ve helped to have money and influence, but your husband’s sudden change to a Persian Morph had his fortunes seized. It took a long legal battle between the authorities until they were inherited by your new stepson, Edric, who still retained his humanity from that attack by Team Plasma. Together, you begin a campaign to push equal rights for all Pokemorphs and accomplish what would’ve taken decades to do. Though you may not live to see the world come to be as you envision, perhaps your future children will thrive in a world without fear or unrest.
You think about how you will teach your children to get anywhere in this world. Your first thoughts are when you stood up for Mannus and help fight down those Team Plasma Grunts. It is an important lesson, you realize, for kids to know how to defend themselves. You will spend a bit of time each day teaching them how to fight and when not to fight. When the time comes, they will be able to look after themselves when you are gone.
People have often said you are naïve. To an extent, this is true. Your simple, childlike nature has made you a bit gullible. That doesn’t mean, however, that you have become blind to the bad things of the world. There’s a lot of terrible things out there in this world, but you also know there’s a lot of good things as well. Your eyes have been opened to the wonders this place has to offer, and you know that there is still good. You hope that you will share its beauty to your offspring.
Part of you looks back on your life and is amazed at how far you’ve come. There were times when you could’ve gone back. You had been offered a way out—twice. To an extent, it all seemed like just a faint hint of reality. The corner of you tells yourself, battles with you, that this is all just a dream. There were no consequences to any of it and you could leave at any time you like. You were offered to go back—twice, even. Why, then, did you choose to stay?
Reality is all a matter of perception. A man who once dreamt like a butterfly may find the lines blurred between fantasy and reality. Everything you smelt, saw, tasted and touched felt as real to you as the world that might exist outside this cage. It is hard to really argue this to someone who lives outside it. For some, this fantasy you lived in may not be really happening—these people probably don’t exist. It can’t tell you who you are. You, however, have come to accept the idea that everything you’ve done here is as real as what you had been doing before. As far as you are concerned, this world is your reality and the fantasy was now out there—a stark contrast to everything you know now.
You know that you possess no regrets about the lifestyle you had taken for yourself. You could’ve taken other walks in lie, other ideal scenarios. The circus would’ve been an exciting life and working alongside humans in pokemon-related activities would’ve been an interesting choice. For you, however, the life inside the mansion of Mr. Swanson was the most ideal and civilized of the bunch. In a way, doing this made you feel more human than the pokemorph you are now.
As a housemaid, you learned how to get in touch with the much more feminine side of yourself. There was a part of you that you never knew had existed there before. It was alien and almost made you revolt in protest. The more you explored it, however, the more you found it to your liking. Perhaps it was the part of you that had been a man and rebelled against losing your integrity. That part of you has quieted down, however, and you have accepted your new role as a wife and soon to be nurturing mother.
Another important part that you rediscovered about yourself was to protect the people that you cared about. Mannus couldn’t so easily stand up for himself but may have sacrifice himself to save others, even if his efforts were in vain. One should never compromise, never surrender to those who are in the wrong. You should always stand up for what you believe in, even when faced with sheer hopelessness. Most importantly of all, you should stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves, even if you wind up getting hurt in the process. You can be an inspiration to others to do the right thing, but only if you take the initiative to stand your ground.
Your future is now uncertain. You now live in a small, humble home with your husband, pregnant with the first egg of possibly many. You are not very rich and don’t have much, but you are happy. Edric provides what he can for you both, though he isn’t obligated to. The other servants still stay around to help out every now and then. The two of you can take care of yourselves. Should the sky fall, as long as the two of you were together, you can face anything.
You have that strange feeling again. When you turn around, another door appears behind you…
Written by wrathofautumn on 22 June 2018