Discovery of the Labyrinth of Crete
You reach out for the string and pick it up in your minotaur hand. You look it over, then begin to follow it. A slight thought in the back of your head makes you think about this, but you ignore it. He keep walking, and finally, you turn a corner and see a human. You stop walking and try to hide back behind the corner, but the man takes notice of the Click clack Of your hooves on the stone ground. He turns around, holding a sword. You glare, and a blind rage fills you up. You step out, suddenly realizing what you were thinking of. The story of the Labyrinth of Crete. You're the monster that demands a sacrifice of men and women, and this man- Theseus, if you recall correctly, came to murder you. So you get smart quickly and let him run at you. As the sword came down over you, you smash it aside with a fist, then grab his face in your other strong hand. You turn and slam him into a wall, toss his sword aside, then you hold him there, making sure he can't fight back. What do you decide to do to him?
Written by AriTheWolfman on 21 May 2011
The end (for now)