Bio Suits from Outer Space
As he looks at the liquid it bubles and a suit flows out and covers him completly. "Don't struggle" he hears. "Now lets see. You need wings to avoid falling." He feels a pair of wings grow from his back, just below his shoulder blades, expanding and covering with a manbrane and scales. "You will also need something to protect you with." His skin begins to dry and crack over every inch, itching all over as patterns form, the skin hardening and turning silvery white, becoming scales. "And ways to fight." Hands and feet cramp up as the toes and fingers change, nails lengthening and curling out into long, sharp claws. The heels rose up as the feet lengthened, forcing him to stand on the balls of his feet with his claws helping keep him steady.
"Good. Oh, you need something to also help you flying. A rudder for the sky." His spine cracks and unfuses from his pelvis, stretching and growing, extending over 6 feet long, becoming flexible and curly. "That's good. Hmm. What else? Oh! Horns and your head. You need fangs." His skull began to shift and crack painfully, nose and mouth extending, pulling the face as his gums bled while his teeth grew longer and sharper, until they were like knives. The ears flattened to fin-like apperance, while the top of his head pushed outward in two places, growing two sharp horns.
"Yes. A dragon. A powerful dragon." A wave of power was felt through his body as his muscles grew in definition, abs getting toned. "It feels good, right?"
He looks arond "What? How?"
"I can change you." The voice said. "Anything you wish me to add? You do look handsome, though I'm not finished." It gave a small nice laugh.
He gulps thinking of his friends on the floor underneath. "What about my friends?"
"What about them?"
"Won't they be scared if i just walk up to them ou tof the darkness?"
"It's alright. I can change you back at any time I want. I'm one with you now. Here, let me show you something I can do." Suddenly his body began to quiver all over, and he shrunk down a little bit, hips widening, waist narrowing, the muscles in his arms shrinking, adding to the legs to make them shapely, as he felt himself suddenly become herself, chest ballooning outward a little bit, while her voice raised in pitch until she stood there as a beautiful dragoness.
She gulps "You made me female too?"
"Yes." The voice sounded different, female as well. "I wanted to prove a point on something. I sensed some doubt in your mind about this. Relax. As long as you and I are one, you can take on any form you want. Just ask me and I will do what I can."
"Can I be my old form?"
"Well, it's not a good idea to change you back while your up here. If I do, you could fall. Let's wait until your in a safe place." The voice said. "Whats your name?"
"Daniel, do you have a name?"
"My designation is BF-217, however you may wish to call me what you want. Oh, and I made you female because your smaller mass and size would make you more stable on this platform."
She nods and heads down the stairs. When she is down. "Now can you turn me back?"
"It's dangerous still. I can't do it without threatening your safety. Changing you will leave you vulnerable."
"What do you mean? I am on the ground. I can't fall."
"No, but your in a dark room. In this place, anything can be lurking in the shadows. Anything that could kill you in human form."
"Well what about being male?"
"Hmm." The voice thought about it. "You sure? You can help your friends like this."
"Yes, I am sure."
"Alright. But your friends will be afraid of you, seeing you as a powerful male dragon bent to kill them. Plus monsters in the place would want to kill you easily, seeing you as a threat. Female and they might leave you alone. Either that or they will still attack assuming your weak. But don't worry. With me, you could lift the world." She giggled in Daniel's head.
"You are going to keep making excuses to keep me like this arn't you?"
She sighs. "Until we know your safe. A bedroom, your home, with your friends in a camp. I don't know, but my duty is to protect you. I sense your a kind person, and so I want to make sure your safe along with your friends"
She nods "I see, I suppose I need to go talk to them now."
"Sorry about this. Just don't tell them who you are. Say your another person who came around her a long time ago. Since you look completely different, even are a different sex, they wouldn't know it's you." The voice giggled, making Daniel feel a little giddy too.
"But won't they wonder about me?"
"Most likely, but that doesn't mean they would go searching for you. If you told them that they were in danger and you were trying to protect them, they might let you lead them away from harm. Go find them. They won't notice who you really are." The voice said, trying to urge Daniel to get moving.
"And I tell them Daniel is safe if they ask?"
"Yes. You can tell them your safe. Say whatever you like to get them going. If you want to, you can tell then your Daniel and tell them what happened. IF you want." The voice stressed the if.
She nods and walks to where they were but they are not there "They are supposed to be here"
"That's not good. To be honest, nobody should be wandering around here. There are a lot of bad things that are trapped here. Things that want out, and will do anything, stop at nothing to do that. They will kill anything standing in their way." The voice said with a hint of fear.
"such as the robotic voices that brought us here?"
"That's.... yeah. You should find them. There's no telling what they could have found. Only things here that are safe are the others just like me. And there aren't many left. Go. Your sense of smell is improved beyond that of even a dog. You can track them."
She sniffs "Wow I can actiually smell them"
Daniel could smell all of her friends, though they went off in separate directions. Jake went down one hallway, Pam went down another with Dave, while Gassan, who's smell was the strongest, left last to follow after Jake.
Who does Daniel run after?
Written by Universal6 on 28 January 2012