Wait for the Tamer
“ I'll wait for the Tamer but later could you tell him...” You trail off not sure what to say. He was a great guy, digimon. Your short meeting influence you to grab hold of your dreams. When you got home, you would have that flower shop and you would name it after him.
“ I know, culu” Caulmon said. “Here she is.”
“ Wow, looks like a regular digimon to me.” A girl no more than twelve came out of the house. Red-brown hair pulled into a spiky pony-tail. She wore a light blue sport shirt with a dark blue broken heart in the middle of it, rolled up jeans and over-sized red running shoes. She had a Renamon, a real Renamon you feel compelled to remind yourself. Even though she looked exactly has you do now. “ I am a human boy. Thank you.” You say bluntly, just added the thank you to the end so you don't chase off your way out of there, and out of the costume.
“ Whatever. We best to go. We had a controlled digimon on our tail not to long ago. There's a gate nearby, should get you home.” The girl shrugged and turned to go the opposite way that Guilmon took to get you here. Renamon, turned and followed silently, which you were grateful for, you may now share the same icy blue eyes. You just knew yours didn't cut though you like a final judgement on your soul, you shiver at the thought.
“ Not so fast Rika! I'm not done playing with that digimon yet!” Impmon appeared out of nowhere. You jumped back nearly tripping on your own tail as it curved into your legs, your like a scared dog. You try to force it back out but fail. You can try to act fine, but your body knows your afraid. The girl, Rika is the opposite she stand out front with her Renamon, strong and ready to battle.
“I am a human boy.” You say not wanting a girl to out do you. It wasn't much, but it was all you got.
“ Surprised you followed me here momma's boy,” Impmon said, mocking you like he did earlier.
“ Mommas boy. Useless as a digimon and a human.” Rika snorted. Ouch! What was that girl's problem with you?
“ I didn't ask for this! I was just having some fun, when that! ” You point at Impmon who was pretending to cry in his eyes out. “Made a mess of things.” You could feel anger build up in you as you go on. “I just trying to play around, try on a costume of my favourite digimon!” You shout at Rika who remains un-bothered. “Which if you haven't figured it out yet, is you!” You point a claw hand at Renamon, Rika's Renamon. You feel pressure build up inside you, it has to come out!
Written by psto1464 on 19 July 2017