It's A Dog's Life Charlie Brown.
You realize you're going to need some kind of identity if you are going to stay here, and this kid obviously wants you to be Snoopy. Why not? It's not like you have a better idea lined up anyway...
"Yes," you nod.
"Yes, I am Snoopy."
"Yaaaay!! Snoopy!!" The kid dances around you, gives you a hug and waves the stick again. "Play stick, yes?"
"Okay." You take the stick from his hand and pause as you realize you're not sure how the game is played here. You both have hands, so either of you could throw the stick for the other to chase. Then you realize that he answered the question by giving you the stick rather than throw it.
Planting your four feet firmly on the ground, you lean back, stretch your arm backwards and throw the stick across the road into the garden on the other side. As the kid runs across the road and jumps over the fence, you hear a soft chuckle behind you. Sounds like a girl, you think as you turn around and behold a creature definitely not inspired by Schultz.
It's a girl, or at least a female. You can tell that much from her voice and posture. The more obvious signs are hidden by a kind of garment that covers most of her lower body and hangs down enough on the sides to cover what needs covering. You blush slightly as you realize you're naked, and short furred to boot.
She is about your size, and a dogtaur like you. And that's where the resemblance comes to an abrupt end. She is a poodle with a complete poodle cut, and the parts of her fur you can see are dyed a shocking pink.
She grins and wags her fluffy little tail. "I see CB go another one," she says. "You're new here, right? I can tell from your... attire. Or lack of it."
You blush again and nod quietly.
"Well, gotta do something about that," she continues. "Good boy, CB!" The last remark is directed at the small humanoid as he returns clutching the stick in his hand. She pats his head, takes the stick and throws it down the road before she continues as if nothing happened. "Find your home, put something on, make plans."
"I have a home?"
"Yeah, they don't want you just roaming the street. By the way, I'm Lulu." Rather than hold out a hand to shake she sits down, leans to the left and raises her right forepaw in what seems to be a kind of greeting.
You do your best to repeat the gesture. "Pleased to meet you. I'm, eh..."
"Snoopy. I know." She grins and wags her tail as she stands up again. "Matter of fact, with the way CB kept shouting it, I'd say half the block knows by now. It's been a while since we had one."
"Had one what?"
She sighs. "Been a while... since we had.... a Snoopy!"
"There's been others?"
"Look around, Snoopy! Do you really think you're the first who thought of using that name?"
"I see. Now about that home..."
"Well I'd say the most obvious choice would be the last Snoopy's place. Saves you the trouble of changing the sign. Probably needs a bit of cleaning though - as I said it's been a while."
"Okay I guess. How do I find it?"
"Ask CB. He was the last Snoppy's pet, so you can adopt him if you like. Just tell him to go home and follow him."
You look up and down the street and realize it's empty. "Just one question."
"Where the blazes did he get off to?"
Written by Won-Tolla on 20 June 2007