The other horses
You track the scent of the other horses, finding it remarkably easy.
Running, too, is effortless. Still, you're worried by, well, the fact that you're a horse now. It just doesn't sit well. You reach a large white barn. Around the barn are the other horses you smelled. You've found them! One sticks out from the rest though. It's not a horse, although it smells just like one. It's a centaur, a male. He's wearing a flannel shirt and a cowboy hat, and if he didn't have a horse's body he could pass for your run-of-the-mill rancher any day. He sees you, and starts to trot over. Your horse instincts tell you to stay put, but something deeper, something more human, says bolt. Which do you do?
Written by Zodiac on 28 February 2007