Lost Memories
"So Alex, tell me about your world." Gerod asks as the two of you sit down after finishing your meal. You lick the last remnants of blood and meat off your lips, looking down at the ground as you concentrate hard on the question proposed to you; telling him about your world.
"I can't remember much." You answer honestly. "It's...it's like I'm forgetting who I am, and what I was. I don't remember my full name..."
"Full name? Is not "˜Alex' your name?"
"Where I'm from, and this I do remember, we had three names, sometimes more. Our first name, which everyone knew and we traded with one another freely. Our middle names were given to us by our parents though few outside of our immediate family would now. I last name delineated our lineage. Most of the time someone with a similar last name would be related to you, though it wasn't always the case."
"That's...strange." Gerod says hesitantly.
"A bit, yes." You agree with a laugh and a nod. "But from what I do remember, is that we had many strange...rituals we went through." You close your eyes and you try to picture them. "I...I can't remember them fully. We rubbed our teeth every day with bristles attached to a stick, I know that. It was a fascination we had with cleanliness that drove us to perform that ritual daily. And bathing everyday. We stood under a stream of water and used different...different...potions to clean ourselves." You shake your head as the cloud of forgetfulness dulls your senses.
"I am most curious as to how you can be losing your memories like this." Gerod says to you. "I find it most intriguing that you insist that you weren't born like that." He continues, waving a paw in your general direction. "Though I am hoping my friend Zaj can help you with that."
"Who is this Zaj?" You ask.
"A great and powerful dragon." Gerod answers. "I met him back when I was but a youngling, digging my nose into everything that could move as young ones are want to do." He laughs heartily, a sound that sends tingles down your spine as it reverberates through the air. "One day, I managed to come across a nasty phoenix who did not take kindly to nosy younglings poking about his estate. I should have been roasted alive, yet Zaj saved me. He and the phoenix discussed things in a most...heated manner." He says with a chortle at his bad pun. "But in the end, Zaj saved me. My mother was angry at me, but Zaj...he was my savior. And with no father to look up to, I looked up to Zaj.
"I'm taking you to him, because he has done so much in his life. He knows much of the world and how it works, and I believe he has encountered, or at least heard of, a situation like yours." Gerod finishes. "But it is late, and we should rest."
Written by Czar Lawrence III on 24 May 2013
The end (for now)