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Eating time star star star emptystar emptystar

<br/>So: kitchen. You sniff the air, and sure enough, there's a mouth-watering aroma! Your nose easily leads you to the food—and you find yourself growing more and more famished with each step you take. You'd worry about this unnatural excess of appetite, if you weren't so blasted hungry! <br/> <br/>You find a large deer carcass hanging up in a room. You leap at it, cling to it with all four of your paws, and put your fangs to excellent use tearing off luscious chunks of raw venison! <br/> <br/>You finish it off and are quite surprised; not just that you could and did consume the entire carcass, single-handed... but also that you're still hungry. In between cracking bones to slurp down the marrow, you get glimpses of your belly; by rights your gut should be massively overstuffed, but it only looks like you've finished a normal meal! <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 13 November 2010

Female Food again

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