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Twisty Little Passage One star star star star emptystar

Great. Or grrrreat, as Tony would have said. You know that one from an old text based computer game. Piece of cake if you have lots of unidentical objects to drop in the different rooms to make the rooms look different, and lots of paper and a good pencil for mapping. An animal with no inventory would not stand much of a chance.


It strikes you that you are reasoning as if you have a choice. You are already halfway down the first twisty little passage, and it's obviously built for smaller creatures than grown tigers. So you really only have two choices: Stay in place until you figure out how to walk backward on four feet (preferably without stepping on your tail), or move on in the hope of finding either an exit, a place wide enough to turn around, or a transformation into something smaller.

Written by Won-Tolla on 14 November 2007

The end (for now)

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