... Or be Divided by Zero.
     It's a strange place, this land, and these expectations of filling the shoes of someone's identity, to carry on someone else's life even when the original is (presumably) dead, well... you suppose each man or woman may feel a little differently about that.
     You look around for CB, not seeing him on the street. Where could he have gotten to? It's a mystery.
     "Well, I suppose I'll have to give you the tour of the neighborhood, eh?"
     You open your mouth to respond, when there's a sound like the wail of a guitar. The sky goes grey and dry leaves rattle by on the sidewalk. As you turn to look at the origination of the guitar wail, you see a strange sight.
     There's a man standing there, in the road. He's wearing a ratty white T-shirt with a plaid vest, blue jeans worn through at the knees, aviator sunglasses, and a baseball cap. He wears heavy steel-toed boots. His face is round and stubbled, his hair combed back in a mullet. He chews a toothpick thoughtfully, staring at the two of you. For awhile you stare at each other before Lulu inquires: "Who...?"
     "I'm the new guy in town," the man says, and an electric guitar sting seems to underscore the words. "Some folk call me the Equalizer, and I don' take too kindly to stuff that messes with reality." As he says this, he slowly slaps the barrel of a monstrous shotgun into the palm of one hand.
     What on earth do you do now?
Written by Mr.Peaches on 23 July 2008
The end (for now)