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As Daniel finished explaining and held up the box of "Eclipse of Eternity," Pammy and the others looked at it with a mix of surprise and confusion. The room begane to glow in a pale green glow.


As the first roll of the dice echoed in the room, something remarkable happened. The monotone emotions that had gripped Pammy, Gassan, David, and Jake started to break. Their eyes widened, and their expressions shifted from the strange, controlled demeanor to genuine surprise and curiosity.


Pammy blinked a few times, her monotone voice replaced by a more natural tone. "Wait, what's happening? Why do I feel...normal again?"


Gassan looked around, almost disoriented. "Did we just snap out of something weird? What's going on?"


David and Jake exchanged bewildered glances, as if they were waking up from a deep and perplexing dream. The room, once filled with an unsettling calm, now buzzed with an unexpected energy.


Daniel, still holding the dice in his hand, couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment mixed with confusion. The board game seemed to have broken whatever strange influence had held his friends captive.


"Maybe this game is more than just a game," he mused. "It might be the key to understanding those dreams and what happened to us."

Written by - on 07 January 2024


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