You look back at him, your shaking returning as you grow more and more intimidated by him as you look at his dark green eyes with your beautiful amber ones. This position he has you in is certainly intimidating. However, you feel something as you look in his eyes, something you can't exactly explain. You start to feel warm again, and you stare at him for just a minute or two. You want to say hell no, run away or make some kind of fuss, say you don't want to come back with them but you can't even remember how you got here. However, a part of you actually does want to see the village, and maybe just maybe ,you can get some more food than just a single rabbit. You let out a long sigh and say, "Sure…I mean I'll… Come with you," you say in a soft voice that comes across more as of a whimper.
Lowtar chuckles and then gently sticks out his tongue to lick your muzzle teasingly." Good choice," he says jokingly before pulling back; the other liontaurs look at him uncertainly. It is evident they do not trust their leader's judgment. [It's not like their leader would have any ulterior motive to bring you along… Now would he?] He then stomps his front leg into the ground and then looks to both of them, silently telling them he's made up his mind and that you are coming with them." Now, this is Como," he says moving one of his hands to point at the male in purplish warpaint." And this is my brother Mordant," he says as the one in white face paint bows respectfully.
You bow respectfully back, as you do you get a good look at Mordent's front paw. It is scraped up and slightly bloodied. Then you notice right above his ankle there is a white paint in the symbol of a small eye with a slant through it. You think it might be a tribal tattoo but can not be certain. You raise your head up and look at Lowtar, "It's very nice to meet every one of you," you say casually. Lowtar wordlessly starts walking back with the others to the village. You look at all of them a little bit confused before you catch on that you are supposed to follow them. You walk with them for a good while, taking in the jungle around you. You hear several different types of birds tweeting and chirping throughout the treetops; you also see several squirrel-like creatures running and jumping along branches collecting what you can only gather to be some type of fruit. After about an hour of walking, you finally arrive at the village. To your surprise, there is a good handful of other Liontaurs walking about. The females wear only what seemed to be grass skirts and grass shirts covering up the private parts of their bodies.
The smell of things cooking over a fire smells even better up close. You close your eyes for a second and take a deep breath to inhale the warm and succulent smell as it fills your nose, you happily start rumbling just a little bit. You open your eyes again and see that Lowtar and his followers have gone a little ways away, you sprint towards them catching up to them rather quickly. Lowtar dismisses his followers by flicking one of his hands at his side. The other two quickly disappear, with his brother looking to you and saying, "Goodbye Madam." bowing a little bit as he moves before he too disappears. Once they are gone, Lowtar leads you into a small wooden building. He steps aside and lets you go in first. The building is just one single room; there is a pelt of some creature serving as a rug, what you would assume to be small bookshelf in one corner of the room, a fireplace at the far side of the room and what looks to be some kind of metal pot next to it. You carefully move inside, unsure because it was a new environment. Lowtar follows you inside and shuts the door before dominantly moving in front of you, bumping against you just a little bit.
"This is your home until you remember what events transpired. You shall stay here with me until then as you don't want any of the others to kill you for trespassing," he says with a low growl before moving in front of your face. "Now tell me, what is your name?"
Written by kamenriderfire on 15 November 2017