Take him away
You look at him for a second before you say, "Let's get out of the hunting ground and… I'll tell you. I've got things planned out already." Lowtar looks at you and lets out an annoyed grunt before saying, "Why can't you just tell me here."
You begin to growl in the bottom of your throat, letting him know you are not going to get pushed on this matter. "Come on; we need to do this right." You get off of him and move your tail with an authoritative flick. You watch him closely, impatiently waiting for him to get up.
Lowtar looks at you and rolls his eyes before he pushes himself up and bows his head as a silent signal to tell you to lead the way. You turn to look at him giving him a soft smile. You lead Lowtar back to the village. He automatically turns towards home. You follow him, but as soon as you reach the hut, you grab your basket full of the items for your picnic. Before clicking your tongue to the roof of your mouth, Lowtar snaps his attention to you. "We're not staying here; we are going out.
Lowtar looks at you and growls a little bit, more in annoyance than trying to make you stand down. "Will you please, please, please just tell me where we're going, love?" You look at him and shake your head giving a little giggle before you head towards the planes where the festival was held.
When you arrive at the planes, you look around for a second, trying to find a good spot to spread the picnic. After the small bit of searching, you see an area that is shaded over by a lovely big tree. You let out an excited giggle. The anticipation of telling Lowtar your news makes you feel amazing. You quickly rush over to the tree with the basket in your hand but unbeknownst to you, you are charging almost at hunting speed. Lowtar looks at you quizzically for a second before he charges over to the tree as well. You set the basket down and begin to unload the food onto a knitted blanket. You set out a few cuts of the meat and the sweet bread you bought earlier. Once this is done you look at Lowtar and smile before saying, "Sit down." You point to a spot across from you, almost ordering him to sit down and coming off maybe a little harsher than you expected.
Lowtar looks at you, noticing your excitement. He is not too thrilled with the way you have completely taken him on a wild ride without offering any explanation. He lets out an annoyed grunt and sits down looking more like a pampered pooch more than a grown liontaur. You sit down across from him and begin eating. You don't say anything for a few minutes while you eat and drink, savoring your secret and trying to build up the anticipation. Lowtar asks, after almost every bite, what the big secret is but you remain silent. Lowtar begins to relax and enjoy the picnic.
Written by kamenriderfire on 29 November 2017