Scream for Help
The moment you step outside is when you realized what the other bear meant with danger.
The spaceship-thing you’re inside before is on top of what seemed the top of the world.
The green meadow is a distance away from the ship. As the ship is surrounded by valleys. Again, literally. It’s a deep, endless pit, probably bottomless cliffs around this ship.
Exactly around it.
You’re falling into the cliff as soon as the door’s opened.
Well, they said that if you die in a dream then you’re going to wake up. Besides, if this is heaven, you can’t be dead, again. So, how about it?
Now is not the time you’re going to test that theory, in that short millisecond your brain decided.
“HELP MEEEE!!” your dominant hand reaching out toward the opened door and your eyes caught a glimpse of what seemed to be that other bear reaching his hand toward you and—CAUGHT! You’re rescued by him, you thought as you dangle outside of the ship with your hands and his grabbing each other as your last lifeline, above the darkness below.
“I-I can’t—“ his words made your eyes wide in panic, “Y-you’re too heavy for me—“ no, no, no, please, please, please!
“Please don’t let go! Help! Somebody help me! Help us! Please!” you scream and plead, hoping for someone else to hear you and come to your rescue. “Wait, t-this is heaven, right? I-I can’t be dead again, right? There’s nothing wrong will happen if I fall off, right? O-or will I go to hell? Is it hell down there?” in panic those ramblings were out and you prayed for a yes on your first three questions and a no for the rest.
“I-I’m sorry…,” were the last words you hear as his hand was slipping and your grab was failing.
EDEN RESEARCH FACILITY was the plate you read on the top of the ship. It’s big enough so you can see it from this distance. It’s a building. Probably a futuristic building.
And you’re falling down toward your death just outside of it.
Written by kelingking2 on 05 May 2016
The end (for now)