Try to Escape
"I have to at least look! To at least try!" You stand abruptly, watching the other lions stir slightly. You look down at the small bodies, the little lumps really of your cubs curled into each other. They are fast asleep, oblivious and peaceful. A pang hits you, for a second, at the idea of abandoning all of this.
But, you turn, absolved to continue with your decision. You chose to look for a way out of the game, and you intend to.
So, you walk away.
You turn, in the pale glow of the moon above you, and walk away from the family you built within the lion's pride. All through the night, you walk out with determination towards distant landmarks, checking the entire horizon constantly for symbols or signs to guide you out of the game, but your mind begins to wander.
"I left my cubs..."
"How could I leave them- No, it's okay. The others will feed them. Or wait, do they eat cubs? Are they going to be eaten!?"
"Should I have ever left..."
Your feet begin to ache after days. Your stomach growls within a week. Soon, all your mind can think of is the rush of the hunt, the satisfaction of a kill and being full.
Then, all your can think of is food without embellishment.
The landmarks fade together.
Your feet fade together.
The days bleed together.
Everything starts to blur into one.
The land in front of you is mere color, an abstract depiction of a plain.
Finally, after your body is drained of it's last shreds of energy, you collapse into an exhausted, starving heap. Just as your eyes close completely, flicking to a final darkness, you think you see a wooden sign, jutting out of the earth in the distance.
Written by Picklessauce69 on 23 February 2016
The end (for now)