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Jailed star star star halfstar emptystar

They march you along the dam and through the streets of Coppertown. You decide not to even think about flying away; you're surrounded by live steel, and you doubt your ability to get out of sword's reach quickly enough to avoid being gutted like a trout. You're taken to a large and ugly building with metal bars in its windows. Your suspicions about it are confirmed when, after they force you inside, you end up locked in a cage, a cell with metal bars. Well... at least they didn't kill you outright...


Well what now you think. You consider taking a book out of your backpack and catching up on your reading, but that might give your 'hosts' the idea that they ought to confiscate your pack. Actually, why didn't they do that? For all they know, you could be carrying a bundle of fireball wands or something! It's a puzzle.


Unless they are so focused on technology they are forgetting about magic... Your train of thought is interrupted when a delectable male sphinxtaur walks in. Yummy!

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 09 November 2010

Female Talking time

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