You spent some time watching his every move. After a few hours had passed, you realized it was time for the fancy dinner to ensue. Without hesitation you brought the stranger into the mess hall. Never taking your eyes off your mysterious counterpart, you made sure to sit as close to him as possible. For hours and hours you coaxed your confused colleagues to question him, his process- to fill his mind with complex equations, scientific experiments, procedures. Way more than the average person could have ever imagined.
It was clear to you that his stomach had begun to hurt way before the first course was even served by the way he clutched his stomach. Alas he could do absolutely nothing to help other than double over in his chair, hold his head low, and try not to think about how badly he wanted to leave. Sadly, he couldn’t- you on the other hand, wanted oh so badly to see how this all played out.
The stranger was surrounded with royals and peasants alike, and the beading sweat on his forehead seemed to how how close he was to breaking.
“Okay okay!” he bolted right out of his chair, pushing the wooden apparatus backwards with his thighs and slamming his hands down onto the table. “I’ve had enough of this.” he said as he angrily flailed his tail back and forth. “I lied okay!” His shaking hands grabbed onto the blunt end of the silverware.
Before you knew it, he tried to lunge at you; it wasn’t clear if you should feel happy or scared in this moment, but his erratic behaviour was exactly what you needed out of him. The best thing you could do is act surprised, shocked, and naive enough for him to be incriminated and removed from your presence. Your guard did just that.
“Oh dear! I don’t know what’s gotten into him” your voice caught the attention of the other attendees. “He said something about… A lie?” You acted ignorant. “Is he talking about his work?” His screaming voice began to fade away as your guards took him away.
“Yeah, honestly I’ve never seen him come to work on time” one of your actual colleagues added in”
“Oh hey! You’re right!” Called out another.
“Come to think about it, I’ve only seen him once, and that was when we hired him! Everything else was just his name signed to paper.” You didn’t know if it was going too far, but nobody seemed to question the legitimacy of your lies. “It may be good after all though!” you shrugged sitting down again, calmly, despite your hands shaking in fear. “So how was the weather on your way here?”
It was a lame attempt to digress, but it seemed to work perfectly. The night carried on, and you ended up chatting with your friend and family. Though by the time you laid your head down to rest, thinking about your tasks tomorrow, it seemed as though you were forgetting some even greater task you were meant to do
Written by Driftingdragon on 30 October 2020
The end (for now)