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Go After Larger Prey emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You decide to go after larger prey. Though it could be tougher to get you feel fairly confident that you’ll succeed. Tuning into your senses you check what is available and almost immediately the scent of a rabbit catches your interest. Licking your lips you drop to a crouched position and start to move through the grass once more. There must be a warren around here, you realize, which meant this could be a perfect place to live. Prey, water… all you’d need after this was a good place to sleep and you’d be set!


Lowering your nose to the ground you begin to search for signs to tell you how close your potential prey is. The large ears atop your head twitch, straining to hear even the slightest movement in the grass. Your head turns this way and that, catching sound, but you are still getting used to your new body. Instinct might be strong, but you still have a ways to go before you are a perfect fox. Right now your actions almost resemble that of a younger fox, one inexperienced with the world. But you’ll learn.


With each pawstep drawing you closer to the first bit of prey. Is this the rabbit you were seeking? A quick scent of the breeze tells you no, that this is, in fact, a porcupine and a dangerous prey animal to try and go after. Your ears flicked back, a low growl building in your throat as you catch another scent nearby too. The scent of another fox…


…The question is, do you confront this trespasser or do you keep up your hunt?

Written by ShatteredBeginnings on 10 December 2016

Confront The Trespasser!

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