Where were you? That was the question that lingered in your mind. You were confused and dazed, not sure where exactly was your location.
You took a step forward, observing your new surroundings. This looked like some sort of…closet area. There seemed to be thousands of costumes littered everywhere. Everywhere you looked there were costumes. All of them were so colorful and interesting.
However, there was one that caught your eye. That particular costume you were staring at, at this very moment, was the very one that stood out to you. It was like it was calling you over to try it out.
Hesitant at first, you took a small step forward, then made your way toward the outfit. For some reason, it looked familiar…
You leaned down, picking it up and straightening both yourself and the costume to see what kind it was.
A Meowth Costume.
“Huh?” you muttered whilst raising an eyebrow. You were confused and wondered what the heck a Meowth costume was doing in this room. You glanced around, noting that there was no one within sight. Well…it didn’t hurt to try it on, right?
You unbuttoned the piece of clothing and slipped it onto your body, making sure it fitted comfortably before buttoning it up, and pulling up a small zipper that was on its left thigh.
Lifting your arms, you glanced at a nearby mirror, checking out how you looked. Not bad.
However, a sudden dizziness hit you hard, your vision blurring as strange waves of queasiness passed through your body. You stumbled back, pressing a hand up to the side of your head. Stars filled your vision and there was a ringing in your ears, carrying out loudly as it caused you great pain. You felt like you were…shrinking.
In a matter of moments, you fell to the floor, passing out from the unknown source that caused you the sudden change of your health’s state.
You slowly opened your eyes, groaning in slight pain as you adjusted to your surroundings.
New surroundings.
Gasping, you quickly sat up, eyes wide as you glanced around frantically. Where the heck were you? You proceeded to stand up, but as you placed your hands onto the ground, a weird feeling that you’ve never experienced before shot up them, causing you to look down.
Your hands weren’t there anymore.
Instead, you had paws. Cream-like cat paws.
You shrieked in sudden panic, falling back onto your butt, staring at the new replacements. Out of the corner of your eyes you saw a glint of your legs, and you began to focus your gaze on them. Much to your shock, your legs were gone. Instead, they were replaced with shorter brown legs with paws for feet as well.
You were about to explode into a flurry of panic but you paused as you noticed something standing a couple of feet away in front of you.
“So you’re finally awake…” the new incomer started, its red eyes gazing down at you. You looked up, making eye contact with it, and you gasped in surprise. A talking…dog creature?!
“No need to be afraid,” the new animal said, calmly sitting down and relaxing its body. “You’re in no danger. The name’s Absol.”
That was a name you’ve never heard before. It was strange, and probably unique.
“You put on the costume,” Absol said slowly, explaining. “That’s why you’re like this. A Pokémon. A Meowth.”
You stared at him in confusion, your ears twitching. All you could really worry about was getting back home. This had to be a dream.
Absol sighed, getting up and stepping toward you, to which you quickly scrambled up to your feet.
“Follow me,” the white creature said, gesturing with his blade horn toward a path in the clearing. “I’ll explain everything as we go. You have a lot to learn.”
You didn’t want to go. All you wanted to do was wake up from this horrid dream! But for now you had no choice. Perhaps if you listened you’d get out of this dream much quicker. But it felt like it wasn’t even a dream at all. It felt so real. Hesitating for a moment, you complied with his statement of words and began to follow him as he led on toward the path.
You secretly hoped that you were prepared for what was about to come.
Written by Demonicor666 on 15 November 2016