A new kind of Were-beast
"Why did I pick the female room?" you say. You look along the row at all of the costumes and see a pair of cat ears and a tail on the same hangar. You think they will make you the most human out of the others and go with them. Once you put them on though the head band disappears and your spine extends into the tail and calico fur begins to sprout all over your body. Once the fur grows in your legs shift into a digitigrade position and your tail saves you from falling on your face and new muzzle. As you change the way you balance onto your new paws. You grow claws in your toes, which there are only 3 of now. Tour fingers also grow claws and the only other change is fur and pads. You then feel a pulling sensation in your groin and you look down to see the bulge flatten out. Before you get a chance to think about it your chest swells into a pair of decent sized breasts. The transformation finishes as your eyes change their perspective to a female cat's. The walls then melt away and become a bedroom. You look around and find a letter addressed to you on the bedside table.
"Welcome to your new home world. It might look like your normal home world from where you are right now, or there might be a raging monster outside threatening to destroy everything," you pause and look out the window to see nothing but kids and teenagers playing outside and an occasional car. you continue reading to see more about this world "But this world is made for were-beasts. There are more like you here already and they can show you the ropes of this world. Look for someone with a working pair of an animal's ears and tail and they will supply all the answers you want." You look out the window again and notice one of the teenagers out there has a hat on and a long trench coat. you realize those might be hiding a tail and ears so you think he might be one of the people the letter might be referring to. But if your wrong you can't take the chance of being seen like this. You look at the letter again and read one final part. "Oh and don't get too angry or you'll become a deadly, practically invincible, rage monster. You will still be in control but you might have the urge to kill. Good luck!" Well that wasn't very reassuring, you think to yourself. Taking one last glance out the window you know you need to make a choice; go out there and get answers or stay in and avoid the chance of killing anyone. You sit down on the bed minding your new tail and think about it.
Written by Blaze The Anthro Gamer on 12 October 2012
The end (for now)