You hesitantly pick up the one labelled in big red letters down the side, "DOG". The wizard nods to you, eagerly waiting on you to try it out.
"How much?" You ask..
"Oh not much at all, if you demo that product my only ask is that you demo another as well and we'll call it square." The man answers you back.
Unsure if you really want to inject yourself with an unknown substance from someone you've never met before or what you're exactly signing yourself up for, you turn a questioning eye back to the wizard while holding the needle.
"Afraid of needles?" the wizard questions. "Don't worry these are magic needles, you wont feel a thing."
You sigh and not wanting to be rude or refuse something that could be fun, you hold it up to your opposing arm and push the plunger down. It was as if you were pumping fur directly from the syringe into your arm. You watch as a tidal wave of fur spreads form the injection site like a stone thrown into a still pond. The ripples of changes disappear under your clothing but you can feel the fur spreading still. You sway on your feet as bones crunch and shift. Behind you, your shirt is lifted up as a long tail sprouts into existence. Your vision blurs as your nose takes a trip outwards sending most of your teeth with it. Your orthodontist would be mad if he could see you now.
Your knees shift directions as your feet elongate. The calluses built up on your feet soften into pads and you find that your shoes no longer fit.
Kicking them off you take a second to admire yourself in the mirror opposite you. You look like a humanized border collie. Black fur and white accents.
"Now then... That seems to have worked out very nice..." You hear the wizard say behind you. "How about you demo the second one?"
Written by crunchynachoes on 05 November 2018