A pin snaps though your body, you imagine it's like a dog whistle. Loud, sharp and only you could hear it. You let out another roar. You feel the fire flow from you getting higher and higher, you can't see its top but you know, it that second you recognize what that is. You've summoned the mysticaldragon, which emerges from your body to destroy your enemies. Perfect. You roar again this time at Beelzemon and the fire, the dragon follows your command. As the dragon chases down Beelzemon, the flame drains from you.
You turn around tiredly and walk towards Rika, who is looking at you opened eyed from her sitting on the ground. Your vision blurs and you drop to your knees; you don't get the chance to ask if see all right before the night darkness en-gloves you.
“Are you all right, culu?” Caulmon ask as blink yourself awake.
“I'm fine.” You were, you felt better; tired but better. “Where's Beelzemon?!” You spin around on the couch seat and stopped. Looking down you see the couch cushion beneath four little round paws. How could that be? You look down at the pink offending cushion, the couch couldn't have gotten big enough for you to spin around like you did. Renamon was the size of an adult, you should be sitting upright on the couch.“
He's gone. We sent him packing.” Rika spoke. You didn't look to her voice, you just stared at your tiny yellow paws. These had been bigger right? Your not a real digimon, you couldn't? You stop that thought right away, nope that couldn't be. “Thanks for stopping that shot but Renamon would have had it.” Rika rushed the first part.
“You will change back,culu.” Caulmon says, you look up at her.
“I can't be...” You drag off, sill not wanting to say it.
“Yup your a Viximon alright.” Rika says and this time you turn to tell her off but all you get is a reflection, from the mirror Rika was holding.
“Noooooo!!!” You scream at the mirror, your adorable round body and large fox tale bristle out at all angles. “I'm small and adorable!” You wail into the air. You bring your tail around to hide in.
“It's not so bad. Everyone likes Viximon and you'll turn back to Renamon when you're not so tired.” Caulmon assures you, but you felt far from assured.
“I don't want to be cute and fluffy!” You could handle Renamon, just not this. It was to much for a guy! “I won't complain about being Renamon again! Change me back!”
“It only makes you cuter though.” Rika adds in, you can hear the smirking smile in her words without looking up.
“Rika, don't pick on him, his having a hard day, culu.” Caulmon scolds, while patting your head, you lean into her needing the symphony.
“Gives us a few hours to rest ourselves and we'll get you back.” Renamon says.
“Really?” You ask.
“Of course.” Renamon comes over to pet you as well.
“Does the cute little mom-ma's boy need a rub around the ears.” Rika cooed. Your bristle up once again.
“What you say! Let's see you handle this level of cuteness!” You yell, it made no sense what you were saying but made you feel better to fight back.
“Your saying I'm not cute? Why because I won't where a dress?!” Rika yells back. The two of you back and forth like that for a while, as Caulmon tries to sooth the situation and Renamon leans into her chair and sighs, ignoring you both.
Written by psto1464 on 27 August 2017
The end (for now)