Just dance
You felt their vibes and you vibed along with them. They were playing hardcore medieval music and the lute player was going hard, standing on the table as he rocked out. Everyone else was jamming to the beat and without question you could feel the music starting to take over your body as well. You moved and grooved until you couldn’t anymore but nobody seemed to question you as you had a good time.
“Wow! Word of the celebration made it all the way into the sea, did it?”
“Of course! Everyone knows about it, though I may have been the only one able to attend.” You lied without a hitch, you had become used to it by now, but at this point, it only seemed to benefit you.
“Well it’s great to hear that our kingdom has become so large now! This is what we’re celebrating right now, actually. But of course, you knew that already.” She giggled.
“OF course of course! No kingdom is greater than the uhhh.”
“The Windrise Kingdom of course!”
“Oh yes that’s right, the Windrise Kingdom.” You agreed, giving no more information.
“The king would love to get to dance with you.”
“Yes! I am a princess of sorts!” You continued.
“That’s wonderful! Here, let’s go right now!” Before long, she led you up to his throne, which the king danced gracefully upon, completely enamored with the music playing around him. “Hey! King Sunny!” She called out. “We have a princess from another kingdom coming to party with us in celebration of our prosperity! She knew about this all the way from the bottom of the ocean!”
“Well, seals- or Selkies, don’t actually live under the-”
“Oh that’s just grand isn’t it!” The king’s booming voice roared out, cutting through the music as though it were nothing to him. “Would you like to have this dance?” He said, reaching out a hand to you.
You promptly accepted and took his hand to dance. He was smooth and groovy and honestly you were having a really great time. Somehow, everyone didn’t seem to question you, as long as you didn’t question them, it seemed as though all of you could live in harmony. “My kingdom would love to extend the offer for you to live here with us. You’re super cool and your dancing can be written into our history books. Your avant-garde style and coolness really fits with what we’re looking for here in our kingdom, and because of this, we would like you to be a part of it moving forward!” He said to you as the night started winding down.
“Oh my god? I would love to.”
“Must we send our regards to your kingdom.”
“Nah.” You said, shrugging it all off. “Where’s my new room?” you asked with excitement. The king smiled and laughed at your level of enthusiasm and just continued on. He led you upstairs and showed you a beautiful room- it was yours.
“You can live here now. You have a massive closet of all the clothes your heart desires. We even have a tailor for you just so we can find the most… flattering pieces for your body type!” He explained.
“That sounds amazing! Thank you! Okay, let me get comfortable now. Thank you!” You almost demanded in an incredibly polite tone of voice. Of course, he did as you asked and gave you your privacy.
Immediately, the first thing you started doing was rummaging through the closet. Your heart raced and it felt like you were about to win the game as you sifted through the soft fabric cloth. Before long, you could feel an even softer furry fabric buried underneath the pile of fancier clothes. The moment your skin made contact, you realized exactly what it was.
It was the next outfit in the line! You had finally found it after so long. Even though you may have had to step on a few toes to get here, and tell a few lies, and consider only yourself and winning the game. But you sure did seem to make some genuine friendships along the way you think. Whatever. You still made it through in one piece and the idea of you continuing your adventure sent shivers down your spine as you started to change into your new transformation.
Written by Drifting Dragon on 03 October 2023
The end (for now)